See for the human to disprove something especially in the soul group that are born, work for the government, die, born, work for the government, die and so on, if you believe in that Buddhist sort of thing but with more the soul tell the dna it shape thing.. The control freaks of that type, like to 'disprove' stuff it is the easiest way of covering up things. And it goes on with that arguement of time..
I have never been abducted by aliens, and after been abducted by asian one time - 5 days, then the parallel side of life in Sydney (Geeze stuff you see on the TV like Gaza strip happens in micro cells all around this menial plant even in those
perfect societies).. anyway I think I have had my mid life stress and the lot then
I am sure most of the Ambassadors of ETE would love to go to another planet
Actually what would be better would be a full alien intervention on this planet, with IFO flying through the sky in the native tongue of the area with stuff like..
As per section 10 of galactic law, we have come to your planet generally in peace, several of the corporations and government on the planet earth have breach corporate and species rights in the region of space featured at earth..
This intervention is an awakening of your consciousness and has been organized with the extraterrestrialembassy.com..
wonder if my server will cope, it would certainly load balance XOOPS which I use a relative low traffic website of pron for.. You know how websites for programmers are like tags and some pull full stunts like that in this galaxy and others.
Governments love interventions that the word that they always use at the moment, it is like this generations buzz topic.