phpESP for XOOPS?
  • 2003/6/6 3:10

  • josecruz

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  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

I was wondering if we could start a discussion about bringing phpESP to XOOPS. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to have this.

I'm a newbie-nobody in terms of module creation, but I'll do everything I can to help anyone who wants to take the lead. It would help me tremendously in terms of my module-making learning. And it would be a real coup if XOOPS were the first to bring this software into its CMS fold.

One thing I notice tho' is that phpESP is distributed under the BSD license, will that make trouble for us GPL types?


Re: phpESP for XOOPS?
  • 2003/6/17 15:12

  • wjue

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I have started in working on it, dispite the liscense problem.


Chinese Web: http://www.wjue.org
English Web: http://www.guanxiCRM.com


josecruz wrote:
I was wondering if we could start a discussion about bringing phpESP to XOOPS. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to have this.

I'm a newbie-nobody in terms of module creation, but I'll do everything I can to help anyone who wants to take the lead. It would help me tremendously in terms of my module-making learning. And it would be a real coup if XOOPS were the first to bring this software into its CMS fold.

One thing I notice tho' is that phpESP is distributed under the BSD license, will that make trouble for us GPL types?


Re: phpESP for XOOPS?
  • 2003/6/17 15:44

  • josecruz

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

That's great wjue

If you need help in any way (japanese language files, or maybe beta testing) tell me and I'll do my best.


Re: phpESP for XOOPS?

Any news on this development, or on license issues? Are people using a different survey module instead?

Updated: In reading other threads, it appears that PHPesp module is in private testing due to the license?

However, PHPSurveyor is being ported to XOOPS as xsurvey... and apparently is being worked on in dev.xoops.org.

You can read about it here:

Re: phpESP for XOOPS?
  • 2004/6/6 23:53

  • josecruz

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  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2003/3/28

I check into wjue's site once in a while and he announced last year that he was in private beta testing but no more than that.

I read a bit into how BSD licenses work and I don't see how that would stop development. Otherwise, I really don't know what's going on with the project.

I'll go check out xsurvey now tho'


Re: phpESP for XOOPS?
  • 2004/7/26 7:25

  • dashbord

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2004/4/19

I don't know what is the problem. It's under the BSD license.
Anyway, I ported phpESP to XOOPS.
You can download by my site. The names is Bluemoon.Multi-EntryForm. (Alpha version now.)


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