Re: Displaying Xoops Content or Blocks in HTML page
  • 2010/10/7 21:07

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

Hi Ghia,

could you please elaborate a bit more on it , i would like to display the latest classified ads block or content of Classifieds

The module button shows Ads for Xoops 2, Version 1.1

I would like to display the Latest Classified Ads with Descr. and Pictures ( NOT the block Recent Classifieds which is less content)

And also where can I get the tool rss2html.

Is there also some css tool included to change the style how the ad will be displayed ???

Thanks for your support

Re: MX directory 3.01 in 2.4.0
  • 2010/6/4 11:12

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

Sor correct would be

echo "";
echo "";
echo "



but I just would like to say that I have seen several files even without quote or single quote.

the file we are talking about does have plenty of this "errors"

and most probably all files in that module and many files in many modules........................................

Anyway thanks for the correct suggestion, I will definitely if I program on my own or modify files use the correct format.

But do not take it serious and also there is this time really no cynical approach to it , but you do not want me to "correct" all files in available xoops modules or files because then I will have no more time for lines like this and also will not have time to
"Just use it" but rather "just fix it"

Sorry wanted to add a smiley but I am really neither a coder nor a chat professional , would have to ask my daughter to that for me and she is not here right now.

Anyway the smiley should be there and at the end.

Thanks for your part correctness because, yes it should be like that but then the forum would not be necessary anyway.

Happy Weekend.

Re: MX directory 3.01 in 2.4.0
  • 2010/6/4 6:51

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

Have changed to

echo "";



hope this is at least html wise correct

and by the way these lines are under doModReq

and the function seems to work.

Re: MX directory 3.01 in 2.4.0
  • 2010/6/4 5:45

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

And I hope you all agree with this solution

do not know if the syntax is correct but html wise with open and close we are done.

The file opens but I will see what it will do in all sections of admin

Re: MX directory 3.01 in 2.4.0
  • 2010/6/4 4:32

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

Ok, everyone had now his time and say.

As I said I am not a programmer (coder )

Now by doing what I did I am able to open the admin/index.php
and I believe it is the best to inform the author of the file
(module) of this problem.

And he might be able to say if the line should be either inside or commented out.

Or what in fact would be the correct and clean answer or let us say the professional solution.

"Just leave at this post the correct way of coding for the 3 lines creating a problem on the server to call the admin/index.php within the mxdirectory 3.01 module."

Or even better leave a download link where this file can be downloaded and of course change the mxdirectory package to
the new format and inform the associated websites who host the
old content (package) .

But for the guy who also has not to much idea about programming from Brazil, well to be a happy xoopser until there is the final solution I would suggest to upload the file and just see if I am right.

And hopefully ghia and peekay, I hope you both agree that my way is not causing any major problems to Xoops.

Plus with regard to the closing command could it not be that there are another 500 lines of code and then the command will occur?

Please guys, did anyone of you ever check or open that file or have you just seen this 3 lines.

And probably if I really check that file there will be many so called "errors" in it and

if I run xoops.org in w3blaba checker.

Dear me, I rather dont.

the point is that every smart browser is not interested in the closing command, it will still display, but with this 3 lines and the "//" there is a server issue and me and the poor guy was not able to open his index.php file.

No he will be able and he can wait for the proper solution where everyone will have to agree.

So long.

Re: MX directory 3.01 in 2.4.0
  • 2010/6/3 20:56

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

Message to Mausirius:
(hope you do not mind that I am somehow painting on you that you checked the file, but I was pretty frustrated after 2 days )

Thanks. my file has also only 1725 lines, but the server announces the error.

Anyway for everyone who might experience the same problem I have found the error.

Unfortunately I was so stupid or naive to believe a previous post that the file is ok and he sees no error. So this naivity cost me two days and arguing with my web host ( as I said on another host there is no problem with the display of the admin/index.php.

Ok that is passed now the error is around or at line 917 , I have copied 915 - 917

echo "";


// echo "

so delete " // " the like below and your headache is gone and then it works ( i am not a coder so this could have other impications but I dont dingdo.

echo "



Correction by Ghia: (third line )

echo "

just try if any works but I am almost 99,9% certain that your trouble is gone. If you are so kind let me know what hosting company your are using.

and trust every admin/index.php file on mxdirectory downloaded from evucan has at a 99% probability the same command line.
with the //

It seems only that my very secure and sensitive server does not like that, where most let me say insensitive or ???? servers just swallow it.

( As I said I had the trouble only one server and the other not )

I thought it is my installation, but after I did tell the hosting company to unzip the files and I had still the problem I was really getting crazy and dubious about the error.

Good Luck

Re: MxDirectory - Blank Index Page
  • 2010/6/3 20:50

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

you misunderstood

the //

was the problem, the other argument change yes you might be right

but the line you have corrected has not been read due to


am I correct

So I removed the // and then it worked.

And again on another server this // did not create a problem

Plus despite the subject blank page we are not talking about the blank page.

Will post my resolution on another post where it is in fact more appropriate and I hope the guy who opened the problem with line 17.. will be able to read it and try if it will fix the problem with him as well.

Re: MxDirectory - Blank Index Page
  • 2010/6/3 16:38

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

Thanks. my file has also only 1725 lines, but the server announces the error.

Anyway for everyone who might experience the same problem I have found the error.

Unfortunately I was so stupid or naive to believe a previous post that the file is ok and he sees no error. So this naivity cost me two days and arguing with my web host ( as I said on another host there is no problem with the display of the admin/index.php.

Ok that is passed now the error is around or at line 917 , I have copied 915 - 917

echo "
echo "";
// echo "



so delete " // " the like below and your headache is gone and then it works ( i am not a coder so this could have other impications but I dont dingdo.

echo "";
echo "";
echo "



and trust me your file has at a 99% probability the same command line.

It seems only that my very secure and sensitive server does not like that, where most let me say insensitive or ???? servers just swallow it.

( As I said I had the trouble only one server and the other not )

I thought it is my installation, but after I did tell the hosting company to unzip the files and I had still the problem I was really getting crazy and dubious about the error.

Will post some suggestion on another forum how to generally avoid having issues with several servers.

Re: WF-Links or any Links Module??
  • 2010/6/3 4:00

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

Ok, this is still an existiing problem , I also installed wf-resources, but submission still does not work

Re: wf-channel 2.06 beta error
  • 2010/6/3 3:59

  • weeramon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 42

  • Since: 2009/12/13

the matter is solved thank you but with regard to wf-links
(on another post ) with link submission from user side
on 2.4.4 this did not change. That is another issue.

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