Re: XOOPS 2.5.11 session handling too strict?
  • 10/27 20:17

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

Maybe we could add this possibility in the preferences? We add a drop-down menu with the possible options.
By default we could put "lax" but in the preferences. This is easier for users to be able to change from the preferences.

Re: sbadmin5 - Bootstrap 5 Theme
  • 10/5 15:37

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

Your project sounds excellent! I'll be testing it next week.
Thank you for this work

Re: Help us implement Recaptcha for Xoops
  • 2023/2/7 21:28

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

We haven't implemented recaptcha 3 in xoops but you can use recaptcha2 very easily.
An explanation is available here:


Good reading

Re: Cascading form select
  • 2023/1/31 18:49

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

Thanks for sharing, it's very interesting!

Re: index.php in New modules
  • 2022/4/5 15:15

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

The problem is relatively simple. The .php files which are in the "preloads" folder are loaded automatically by xoops. When we moved from index.html to index.php, we modified core (2.5.11) to not include the index.php file. But on version 2.5.10 there is no this modification.
Including the index.php file generates 404 errors (not in navigation) but on robots or internal scripts on the site.

Several weeks ago, I discovered that one of my websites was no longer referenced by google, the robots were blocked (error 404). I searched (very long) and found this problem. It is for this reason that all modules are modified with index.html in the "preloads" folder.
On xoops 2.5.11 there is no problem but before yes...

Re: index.php in New modules
  • 2022/4/5 6:34

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

Hi, The problem most likely comes from the index.php file which is in the preloads folder.

Can you verify that the modules/xsitemap/preloads/ folder does not contain the index.php file?

If in this folder there is the index.php file, it is absolutely necessary to remove it and put the index.html file in its place.

You have to check all your modules and do the same manipulation.

The problem should go away.

XOOPS 2.5.11 follow-up
  • 2022/4/4 18:32

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

To celebrate the 3 years of work on XOOPS 2.5.11 (and yes 3 years today), we have decided to propose an article per week on the modifications of this version. The objective is to analyze a period to highlight statistics and important points of modification.

You can find article 1 here:


Re: xlanguage and xoopsfaq problem
  • 2021/10/29 7:56

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1


I don't know if it's related but the problem with xlanguage is that it processes the tags right before display. Let's imagine that the module makes a php break in the text (the php code takes the first 50 characters):

[en]My text of more than 50 characters [/en][fr]Mon texte de plus de 50 caractères [/fr]

It will transmit to xlanguage:

[en]My text of more than 50 characters...

And this is the beginning of the problems! He cannot close the tags!

To correct the problem, the module must clean the tags before processing the length of the text!

This is how I did for my modules:


for comment:


If modules don't do this, they won't be able to work properly with xlanguage.

Today there are no other possible solutions...

Re: Looking for a light moduke to better understand Xoops Modules Namespacing
  • 2021/4/8 11:53

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

Xmdoc version 1.2 Final Released
  • 2021/3/30 19:54

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1


We are happy to announce the release of version 1.2 of the module xmdoc.

This version brings 2 major new features:

- Addition of a system allowing to force the download
- Categories now have a color.

The complete list:

Version: 1.2 Final
Date: 30.03.2021
Bug fixes:
- In some cases, documents were not displayed when creating an item.
- The error message when removing the link from a document was not displayed.
- If several categories were selected when editing blocks, they were no longer selected when editing the block again.

- Addition of a system allowing to force the download (only the files on the site will be forced).
- By default the option to rename documents (in categories) is set to false.
- Documents with the "rename documents" category option set to false have a suffix added so as not to overwrite a document with the same name.
- The name of the document is reconstructed when downloading.
- Categories now have a color.
- The names of the categories in the administration (list view) now have a link which allows direct access to the category on the user side.
- The names of the documents in the administration (list view) now have a link which allows direct access to the document on the user side (only if the modal display is not used).
- Compatibility with PHP 8.

- The message under the about heading regarding file protection is now revised, with the new system that forces a .htaccess download with "Deny From All" to work.
- Change from index.html to index.php

Xmdoc on http://www.monxoops.fr

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