I don't know if it's related but the problem with xlanguage is that it processes the tags right before display. Let's imagine that the module makes a php break in the text (the php code takes the first 50 characters):
[en]My text of more than 50 characters [/en][fr]Mon texte de plus de 50 caractères [/fr]
It will transmit to xlanguage:
[en]My text of more than 50 characters...
And this is the beginning of the problems! He cannot close the tags!
To correct the problem, the module must clean the tags before processing the length of the text!
This is how I did for my modules:
https://github.com/GregMage/xmnews/commit/74fb8d951e7100f51162bcda2f3316070e95dfcbfor comment:
https://github.com/GregMage/xmnews/commit/350c02dda31018f8e5515e1a8941767889c36af3If modules don't do this, they won't be able to work properly with xlanguage.
Today there are no other possible solutions...