Re: Spam User Accounts
  • 2013/3/26 16:55

  • donny

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/11/5

An update to changing the captcha in xoops

I had a problem in changing the captcha type on my portal. I followed the instructions given my mamba in post #7 https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=352419#forumpost352419

But they were ignored by the portal, whatever option I choose.

It turns out that there is also a config.php in XOOPS_ROOT/Frameworks/captcha

Both of these get loaded, but being that the Frameworks one gets loaded later, and that it has the default option of "image".

So you can either change it in this file, or just remove the offending line, and then the changes in XOOPS_ROOT/classes/captcha/config.php will be applied.

I don't know how many people are affected by this, our portal was originaly installed with the 2.0.15 version, and has since been regularly upgraded to 2.5.5, so it could be a fault of some update and legacy.

Re: blank custom blocks + rss not working
  • 2013/1/27 15:08

  • donny

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/11/5

I agree with what Shiroku said. There is obviously a problem here. I agree that it is nice to get rid of "old unnecessary files", but it seems that not all of them are unnecessary.

And it is not even a custom module that has problems, it is the system module blocks that are not working properly.

I believe this should be investigated more, if not for a fix for the current release, than definitely for the next upgrade cycle that will come with XOOPS 2.6.

Re: blank custom blocks + rss not working
  • 2013/1/15 11:07

  • donny

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/11/5

Thank you very much for your reply - there really were some templates missing in the /modules/system/templates folder. I am not sure how this happened during the upgrade procedure - I did a regular 2.4.5 to 2.5.5 upgrade. Weird.

Anyway - uploaded what was needed, set the check templates option, updated the modules, and returned the check templates to "no".

Thanks again, you saved me a lot of time - I would probably get to the culprits eventually, but it would take some detailed investigation and following of flows.

Re: blank custom blocks + rss not working
  • 2013/1/8 18:02

  • donny

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/11/5

I seem to be having the same problem :(

Upgraded from 2.4.5 to 2.5.5, things seem to work nice, except for a couple of blocks. Most of them are custom ones. If I open them for editing the content is nicely shown. Tried to duplicate them and tried to make a new one without success.

The weird thing is that I have the same problem with the "main" block, as well as "xt_themas" for theme selection.

Could you please elaborate more about "updating the theme files"?

I checked with various themes I have installed, and had the same problem. Also tried deleteing caches and they were regenerated.

Also I tried updating most of the modules, tried updating the system module again, but the problems persist.

Tried to turn on debugging mode, but most of the stuff was complaints about deprecation from some modules, not really related to this.

As far as I can see, the site is operating normally otherwise.

Re: Serbia and Serbian translation
  • 2009/2/13 22:16

  • donny

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the new domain for serbia is RS, and for montenegro is ME.
the three letter codes are SRB and MNE.

Re: CBB4 RC for Xoops 2.3x Testing Reviews
  • 2009/2/9 12:27

  • donny

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I had the problem with posting on my local testing site, which I think also returned the "Array( )" problem when debuging the forum, and when I turned on the portal debuging I found that there was an SQL error, and that there was a column in the table that he couldn't find.
I think it was "poster_ip" in "xoops_bb_posts".
Then I noticed that the ip info for all posts when browsing the forum was
I renamed it and then it worked... I really don't know how that happened.

I tested with XOOPS 2.3.2b, php 5.1.1, MySQL 5.0.15 and I think I have apache 2.2.6.
I upgraded from 3.08 to 4.0 rc

hope this helps...
otherwise I think it works well as far as I tested localy, though I didn't want to risk on the comunity site...

Re: Is CAPTCHA not included in 2.3.2b package?
  • 2009/1/11 12:06

  • donny

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/11/5

1) yes
2) yes

try to install the user profile module, and then check the captcha in the registration forms.

if phpinfo says that gd is on (and it seems like that), then it should work.

Re: Is CAPTCHA not included in 2.3.2b package?
  • 2009/1/7 21:54

  • donny

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  • Since: 2006/11/5

What kind of a system is your XOOPS installed on? Local/server linux/windows/...

You can check the presence of the libraries with a small php file containing the following code

Put it on the same server as the XOOPS instalation and open it in your browser, ti will show a whole lot of details related to your php installation. Try to find a section named "GD". If it exists and it is enabled, than you have gd installed with your php. There are other graphical libraries, but I am not sure which of those are used by the internal captcha.

Re: Is CAPTCHA not included in 2.3.2b package?
  • 2009/1/7 20:11

  • donny

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/11/5

xoops captcha will appear on the registration form when the "user profiles" module that comes with 2.3 is installed, it doesn't appear in the regular registration form. Well at least it didn't on my machines, where I upgraded from

securityimage is a different module from dugris that was widely used before the internal captcha. I used it on my registration and contact us forms.
If you are using security image then in the admin area of the module you will see if there are adecvate graphical libraries installed.

hope this helps.

Re: Xoops LDAP Authentication
  • 2008/5/12 19:27

  • donny

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  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2006/11/5

haven't tried it yet, but you have all the options in the admin panel->prefferences->authentication options.
so if you have a ldap then I guess you just need to configure it.

sorry if I am telling you something you already know.

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