The problem was that the "full text" option is only available to admins by default.
There is a switch in modules/newbb/xoops_version.php
Look at the end for ['admin_only'] = 1; and change the 1 to a 0 then all users can receive the full text.
// Get the data from import file----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo ("Beginning file import process...(scroll to bottom to see all results and confirmation)
$count = 0;
while (!feof($InputFileExists)) //Start of While Loop
$GetData = fgets($InputFileExists,4096); // Get data and place in array 4096 bytes per slot
$ArraySlots = explode("$charDeliminationCharacter",$GetData); // Define the array and
$Username = $ArraySlots[0]; // 1st column from input file
$RealName = $ArraySlots[1]; // 2nd column from input file
$Email = $ArraySlots[2]; // 3rd column from input file
$URL = $ArraySlots[3]; // 4th column from input file
$ICQ = $ArraySlots[4]; // 5th column from input file
$AIM = $ArraySlots[5]; // 6th column from input file
$YIM = $ArraySlots[6]; // 7th column from input file
$MSNM = $ArraySlots[7]; // 8th column from input file
$Location = $ArraySlots[8]; // 9th column from input file
$Signature = $ArraySlots[9]; // 10h column from input file
$Occupation = $ArraySlots[10]; // 11th column from input file
$Interest = $ArraySlots[11]; // 12th column from input file
$ExtraInfo = $ArraySlots[12]; // 13th column from input file
$Password = sprintf("%sn",md5($ArraySlots[13])); // 14th column from input file - Calc the MD5 value and store
// Insert all the values from input file into the database ---------------------------------------------------------------
$xoops_usersVar = ($strDatabaseXoopsPrefix.'users'); // Assign value of DB prefix for entry into 'DBprefix_users' table
$query = "INSERT INTO $xoops_usersVar (uname, name, email, url, user_icq, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_from, user_sig, user_occ, user_intrest, bio, pass) VALUES ('$Username','$RealName','$Email','$URL','$ICQ','$AIM','$YIM','$MSNM','$Location','$Signature','$Occupation','$Interest','$ExtraInfo','$Password')";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$uid = mysql_insert_id();
if (mysql_error())
echo "There's an error in the database : ".mysql_error();
echo "
Sorry, import process aborted. Please examine the error and re-try";
//Increment the UserID starting from the last User ID (detects last ID and autoincrements.)For each entry, display the result on the screen until EOF is reached. ------------------------------------------------
$Groups_Users_LinkVar = ($strDatabaseXoopsPrefix.'groups_users_link');
$numgroup = '2';
$insertvalues = "INSERT INTO $Groups_Users_LinkVar (groupid, uid) VALUES('$numgroup', '$uid')";
$result= mysql_query($insertvalues);
if (mysql_error())
echo "There's an error in the database : ".mysql_error();
echo "
Sorry, import process aborted. Please examine the error and re-try";
echo "Username ".$Username." imported OK, ID - ".$uid."
} //End of While loop