Re: CBB 3.08 Notification with post text?
  • 2010/12/7 23:45

  • hiflyer

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3

That wasn't quite what I was looking for but it got me headed down the right road.
The problem was that the "full text" option is only available to admins by default.

There is a switch in modules/newbb/xoops_version.php

Look at the end for ['admin_only'] = 1; and change the 1 to a 0 then all users can receive the full text.

Re: CBB 3.08 Notification with post text?
  • 2010/12/1 15:55

  • hiflyer

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3

I'll give it a shot - thanks!!

Re: CBB 3.08 Notification with post text?
  • 2010/12/1 14:17

  • hiflyer

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3


Is there a "switch" I can hack to enable this for registered users? With so many users and messages my users don't like logging in to find out the don't care about that particular message.


Xoops (User) Importer
  • 2010/10/22 2:38

  • hiflyer

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3

Ted Smith wrote a module XoopsImporter https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2969 that was very handy but apparently doesn't work with the new user database for 2.4
Any chance anyone can update this? I assume just the code below needs to be updated.
I would also love the option to define a Group for each user.

// Get the data from import file----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo ("Beginning file import process...(scroll to bottom to see all results and confirmation)  ");
$count 0;
  while (!
feof($InputFileExists))                                  //Start of While Loop
$GetData fgets($InputFileExists,4096);                      // Get data and place in array 4096 bytes per slot
$ArraySlots explode("$charDeliminationCharacter",$GetData); // Define the array and 
$Username $ArraySlots[0];                                     // 1st column from input file
$RealName $ArraySlots[1];                                      // 2nd column from input file
$Email $ArraySlots[2];                                       // 3rd column from input file
$URL $ArraySlots[3];                                          // 4th column from input file
$ICQ $ArraySlots[4];                                          // 5th column from input file
$AIM $ArraySlots[5];                                          // 6th column from input file
$YIM $ArraySlots[6];                                          // 7th column from input file
$MSNM $ArraySlots[7];                                          // 8th column from input file
$Location $ArraySlots[8];                                      // 9th column from input file
$Signature $ArraySlots[9];                                  // 10h column from input file
$Occupation $ArraySlots[10];                                  // 11th column from input file
$Interest $ArraySlots[11];                                  // 12th column from input file
$ExtraInfo $ArraySlots[12];                                  // 13th column from input file
$Password sprintf("%sn",md5($ArraySlots[13]));               // 14th column from input file - Calc the MD5 value and store
    // Insert all the values from input file into the database ---------------------------------------------------------------

$xoops_usersVar = ($strDatabaseXoopsPrefix.'users');     // Assign value of DB prefix for entry into 'DBprefix_users' table

$query "INSERT INTO $xoops_usersVar  (uname, name, email, url, user_icq, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_from, user_sig, user_occ, user_intrest, bio, pass) VALUES ('$Username','$RealName','$Email','$URL','$ICQ','$AIM','$YIM','$MSNM','$Location','$Signature','$Occupation','$Interest','$ExtraInfo','$Password')";

$result mysql_query($query);
$uid mysql_insert_id();
         if (
"There's an error in the database : ".mysql_error();
Sorry, import process aborted. Please examine the error and re-try"

//Increment the UserID starting from the last User ID (detects last ID and autoincrements.)For each entry, display the result on the screen until EOF is reached. ------------------------------------------------ 
$Groups_Users_LinkVar = ($strDatabaseXoopsPrefix.'groups_users_link');
$numgroup '2';           
$insertvalues "INSERT INTO $Groups_Users_LinkVar (groupid, uid) VALUES('$numgroup', '$uid')";
        if (
"There's an error in the database : ".mysql_error();
Sorry, import process aborted. Please examine the error and re-try"
"Username ".$Username." imported OK, ID - ".$uid. "
//End of While loop


Re: wf-section w/pdf and Xoops 2.4 problems
  • 2010/6/14 16:06

  • hiflyer

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  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3

Wishcraft did some serious hacking for me but we're still having some bugs with the New Section and Category areas. Once we (well, he, I can't code my was out of a paper bag) get it resolved we'll get it up in the module area.

Re: Why should I use xoops? So convince me.
  • 2010/5/6 3:09

  • hiflyer

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  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3

I've experimented with Xoops, Drupal and Joomla. Have several sites running Xoops (one for 4 years now) and a couple on Joomla.

Xoops is by far the easiest to get up and running with modules. The community is also outstanding for ideas and support. (Joomla forums are so busy it seems like questions drop off the list so fast they often don't get answered.)

Haven't used modx and don't need SEO at all so can't comment on those except that Xoops has focused on and improved SEO significantly with latest version and modules.

Re: Formulaire 3.33 NO Perm
  • 2010/5/5 22:03

  • hiflyer

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  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3

I used the exact same installation on both sites and it works now! Must have been something odd in the new version (same version 3.33) I downloaded.

Thanks ghia!!!

Re: Formulaire 3.33 NO Perm
  • 2010/5/5 21:38

  • hiflyer

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3

I discovered initially that none of the permissions imported so nobody had permission. But then fixed that so registered users have permission under /modules/formulaire/admin/modform.php?op=permform and under groups.

No language or other hacks I can think of but I'll try transferring the actual module files from the old site instead of a new zip install.

Formulaire 3.33 NO Perm
  • 2010/5/5 20:36

  • hiflyer

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3

Created a new site with Xoops 2.4.4 and PHP 5. My Formulaire forms/database tables seemed to import fine.

But if anybody but Webmaster group tries to access a form they get a NOPERM message. I have verified Registered users have permission under Formulaire and Groups. Also tried creating a new group and a new form in case it was a database table issue and still the same problem.

Any ideas?


Re: Require Real Name in registration
  • 2010/5/1 19:56

  • hiflyer

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 107

  • Since: 2006/3/7 3

Ah - found it.
Never used 2.2 and this is my first 2.4 site so Profile is new to me.

Thank you!

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