Modules: Xoops Importer Public Beta Released

Posted by: tedsmithOn 2006/3/28 12:55:50 9548 reads
Resized ImageI am pleased to announce the first public beta release of Xoops Importer! The initial alpha release was put out to the Xoops community on the 20th March 2006 (see announcement here) at which time I said I'd hope to get a beta release out soon. Well this is it :

Xoops Importer Project Page - Public Beta 1

The change log and new PDF states the changes and provides some instructions on how to use it, along with any appropriate warnings.

As stated in the Alpha release, this is my first PHP and Xoops project so I need constructive criticism especially with regard to the coding. I'm enjoying learning but learn best from others.

Please download it, and even if you don't need to use it, take a look and tell me what you think. There's a sample input file provided for testing.

For Xoops 2.0 only at this time


Regards as always
