Creating different templates for content module pages

I am trying to tweak the default template to work with my existing layout for my personal website. To accomodate content that doesn't fit in any specific module, I am using the content module to create pages and multimenu to create the proper links.

In my current layout, I use a particular graphic layout for different levels of family, i.e., my husband and I get one set of graphics, the children get another and the grandchildren get their own set of graphics.

Is it possible to create a separate content template for each style I want to use? Since the layout itself would stay the same and only the graphical elements would change could I just create separate style sheets? How would I "call" them in the head section?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Update form 2.0.x to 2.2.3

I just downloaded the update files in .zip format. My current version is 2.0.13 stable. I too didn't see a pre-upgrade script or anything like it.

I DO have the xoopsupdate.php file. I would appreciate some clarification otherwise I will have to go back and start with an original install. Fortunately, I'm only running a test site that doesn't have much content yet.

Am I missing something?


Re: Newbie Template Question

Hi Shine!

Thanks so much. I've printed that out. I guess I should also take a look at the Wiki... no?


Newbie Template Question

I am just starting to play around with XOOPS on my local webserver and I am becoming impressed. I really like the idea of template tags and the design freedom they can offer.

I've been looking around for more information about the smarty tags that are used by XOOPS, but can't seem to find anything. I was especially looking for a list of tags specific to XOOPS that need to be included in all templates. Would the Smarty manual give me all the information I need to use Smarty tags with XOOPS

Also, am I right in thinking that I could pretty much define whatever tags I believe I need and then place them anywhere in my templates? I've been reading all the information provided on the site, but the information seems pretty general.




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