Creating different templates for content module pages

I am trying to tweak the default template to work with my existing layout for my personal website. To accomodate content that doesn't fit in any specific module, I am using the content module to create pages and multimenu to create the proper links.

In my current layout, I use a particular graphic layout for different levels of family, i.e., my husband and I get one set of graphics, the children get another and the grandchildren get their own set of graphics.

Is it possible to create a separate content template for each style I want to use? Since the layout itself would stay the same and only the graphical elements would change could I just create separate style sheets? How would I "call" them in the head section?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Creating different templates for content module pages
  • 2006/3/27 6:55

  • rajanurs

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 55

  • Since: 2004/12/8

I think a simple solution would be to use blocks and allocate permissions for different user groups.

Create blocks with different content for different user groups. Each block will be customised to suit the user group. Example: Block 1 = For adult members, BLock 2 = For children and Block 3 = For grandchildren, Block 4 = For anonymous visitors etc. Set the same weight for all if you want them in the same position for all user groups.

Now set these blocks to appear in the content module. Give appropriate weight for the blocks and content module to make them appear in the order required.

Apart from general group permissions for access to the blocks you can also set them to appear in specific pages in the content module [by going to block admin and specifying visibility] This will be useful for disabling the blocks for specific pages [for example you can disable the image rich block for inner pages for faster loading or reclaiming the space for different content]

Note: removing all borders and having same color background will make the blocks and content module pages appear seamless on the same page

Re: Creating different templates for content module pages
  • 2006/3/27 8:59

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

I think both Article (from Xoopsforge.com) and Magazine will allow you to have different templates for different content.


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