XOOPS Version: 2.2.4
Module Name/Version: Invision FileManager
PHP Version: 5.0.5-2ubuntu1.1
MySQL Version: 4.0.24
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache/2.0.54 (Ubuntu)
Operating System: Unix
Theme you are using: Custome
Custom template: No
PHP Debug Messages: None
MySQL Debug Messages: None
Smarty Debug Messages: None
A full description of the issue:
I am using Invision FileManager and see where I have to put every individual in the FileManager Admin module in order for them to access this. While this is ok, I am looking to provide a better way of security and directory access. In the non profit org I work for, we have different depts. Each dept wants to be able to have a directory that they can store their files, however, they only want their dept members to access the files. So people in Operations can only see the Operation directory and not the IT directory or other depts.
I can add each user, and specify the "root" directory for them, but then I have over 70 people to worry about on a constant basis. What I would like to do is to make the permissions based on the XOOPS group they belong to. So all of the Operation department team belong to the Operation_User group in Xoops. So I want to use that as a setting for the FileManager. Does anyone know if this is possible, or if there is a setting I need to adjust?