OK, Got it I think...
It was a noob mistake...
In 2.3.x it has only prefences for iMenu in the admin console, when you slect it the option there is a yes/no, and for some reason the default answer with no menus created would seem to dump me back to the main admin console. So by selecting the other option it then gave me the optin to create a new line, once there was a menu item it did not matter... now I have not gone too far into trying to understand what the below means, I will be testing later, or it may not have an impact on my menu system (which is what I suspect as I dont really have any sub menus, well not yet)
"Send all sub links to the template?
Normally, only the "current" section of the menu has its sub links sent to the template for display on the screen. However, if you are using a menu structure that must always render all sub links for all parts of the menu, then you should turn on this option and alter the iMenu template to accomodate all the sub links."
So there you have it, a noob mistake, but now I can refer back to my own noob-ness
Hmmm... Why do I have so many screws left over?