Re: Xoops 2.0.17 released (Unofficial version) by Hervé
  • 2007/6/5 6:27

  • ilivanov

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  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28

This time come almost year ago, when Mithrandir was "replaced" by this phantom project leader - Skalpa and 2.3.0 Alpha forever was announced, you guys are just late :)

I've switched from XOOPS to CodePlus now known as Zarilia since first Catzwolf release.

Friendly tip: Do not migrate to XOOPS Cube, Japanese understands CMS as Core Management System, Cube itself is a one buggy non compatible with anyhting core. There is a only 3 modules fully operational with Cube 2.1.0, Herve News 1.52, WMP Downloads 1.1 and XHNewBB 1.3.x if this can be called C(ontent) MS...

Screenshot from the previous post shows where is XOOPS - dead, no where.

How much XOOPS Staff I've repeat update your site (Modules Repository) which atm is out dated too ? And how much time was needed to patch the bug with User Profile page, since 2006-11-15, is it so hard/impossible to be fixed bug ?

Seems not since this Herve XOOPS 2.0.17 release.

Thansk Herve for this well done job, hope to catch u on Zarilia.

File Maintainers
  • 2005/6/15 16:57

  • ilivanov

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  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28

Who is the file maintainer for Download XOOPS ?

Re: XOOPS SPAM or what ?
  • 2005/5/30 9:10

  • ilivanov

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28

How can be stopped/blocked ?

XOOPS SPAM or what ?
  • 2005/5/30 6:36

  • ilivanov

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What that means, I found 5 of them today in my mail box:
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Re: Whats going on with XOOPS
  • 2005/5/25 19:54

  • ilivanov

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28

What's going on with the roadmap 2.2 writter, or the whole dev team....

What for I created the translation, just for fun - yeah, u're right, if I remove the translations, and build any new to the 2.1 and upcoming 2.2, what will happend, u will say nothing - we have to loose between 1000-2000 stupid bulgarian users, ok than, remove the bulgarian translations from this site immediately, I will release them with separately build of XOOPS, things going smell, wtf u're trying to do, the same shit happend and with the guys who covers and provide support for e107, u have to equal all countrys, or u will get lost, Arabic, Chinese (Tradition/Simplified), Czech, Dutch, no Bulgarian, no Turkish, interesting, very interesting.

Re: Whats going on with XOOPS
  • 2005/5/19 12:27

  • ilivanov

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  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28

After wathin this and other threads here on official XOOPS forums, I cant understand why the current (forked) core developers, dont listen the community, where are the patches provided to XOOPS and why there are not implemented in the core ?

As u can read from the following thread - http://forum.mamboserver.com/showthread.php?t=946&page=10&pp=10

Most of the XOOPS developers, which creates the best modules for X2, move out from XOOPS, what happend the Japanes founder of XOOPS ? This X2 is not the XOOPS, just another fork... It have to change the name to Mith's XOOPS or something

After year of searching why my sites looks and stay better with XOOPS 1.3 against those with Mith's XOOPS, now I understand it thanks to Catz and Predator.

IF the original XOOPS is so bad, ugly, insecure etc., why all developers from the XOOPS which not agree with Mith forks the XOOPS 1 Japs Edition (the real one xoops) ?

Before to say - why I'm complaining instead of help, take a look back in time for Unicode problem, Mith says - Will be ISO, and no UNICODE ... (I'm sure something like this is happed before E-xoops to born).

Before to say X2.1 Administration is new, fast and stable, take one year in the past in Ciamos CVS, they all ready created before this X2.1 - http://www.ciamos.com.

XOOPS (Mith's Edition) Italian Support site (for sure no more official, update your links), creates a patch similar to Marcan's ML 2.0, but a little bit better, whith option and detailed description how to hack existing ciamos modules to enable display to one or all available languages, no one here listen to (this is the easiest way to make X Multi Language enabled.

In some community boards, I saw not only one time, XOOPS loosing his speed when comes with huge ammount of data, and in the begining I wont believe them - XOOPS is faster, yeah, but they notices are true, XOOPS fill with more data, downloads users, X2 is slower than everything else even and Nuke.

My task is over (Bulgarian translation, both of them Mith's way, and Unicoded), all other planned and started translations will be released when are ready. One CMS without international support will go in ... history, no matter that Bulgaria is a small country, sooner or later with this actions against XOOPS community u will loose and others, Chinese are on the way, Japanese is out, Italian too.

Thanks to this community I learn some good points... Thanks guys, special thanks to Marcan's help (ML author), Frankblack (Debaser author), Rowd (Sitelang auhor) and some ppl from the Japanese community (cant remeber all the nicks).

Re: [myMEDIA] Test my new media manager module
  • 2005/5/18 16:38

  • ilivanov

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28


solo71 wrote:

Well, this is the first time someone is talking about this kind of problem... I don't think though, that it is a module's job to manage the brandwith. Is'nt this more a server side aspect?

This cant be done in most cases from the servers, most of the XOOPS based sites are hosted on pay to use or free to use providers, not on the local servers.

This was created in CMS module, but cant remeber the name of this CMS, limitation of bandwith for single or group of downloads.

Err... Didn't knew that such module were existing? Isn't this kind of stuff managed by the media itself.

Yeah this module doesnt exist for XOOPS, here is the challenge someone to build it as patch for the one of the existing modules.

I don't think it's necessary to use (censored) words here.

Better to be censored :)

We all have different approaches what might be useful for a module and this is GOOD.

And cos of this I cant see here the founder of XOOPS 1.xxx, no offence Mith

If I understand you correctly debaser is not useful to you. I guess others share this opinion. So I will bury my project right now!

Ok, let's change it, it's usefull sometimes, but the situation with this thousands of modules is not good, Debaser 0.92 at the moment is used as Radio Re-transmiter, cos some Bulgarian (f-censored) radiostation limits their access only for residental IP's, eg. Bulgarian citizens can listen BG radio, USA citizens cant (or in my case, Bulgarians who lives in Malta), Debaser sometimes (on some servers works with re-downloading MP3 (Bulgarian Artists to Bulgarian ppl which lives out side bg, and cant get bg ip)

For showing movies RealVideo currently debaser works only, but can u imagine how much TB I have to convert to Real from DivX ?

And again "not usefull" means that cant be used as multimedia manager, at the moment Debaser (more compatible to Linux/Mac users, and I have no opinion to switch to another), MyMedia is something between SmartMedia and Debaser (very early alpha), this QuickTime is the only one Software not very compatible with GNU and BSD, so dont force users to use Windows for server, or even Mac. SmartMedia is a great disapoiment to me, I expect more than this, all other modules are great, but this ....

To tell you the truth: I am NOT a programmer (earning my money with something else and far better in this job), I just made this for FUN.

Hah, for non-programmer - very good work, not exellent, but very good.
Yeah most of the OpenSource developers works somewhere else and XOOPS and Nuke are only for FUN....

"C'mon Francis. We don't do all this to please people..."
Than for what, to show something can be done, and to abandon it, such as most projects on dev.xoops.org - newbb2.0.2

Grrrr - some people are never happy are they?

It's not like u said, but some ppl prefer to do their jobs with only one CMS, not like some reports from Chinese community - 7 XOOPS for one site, cos of nature of XOOPS - cant support MultiLanguage, or XOOPS for News, Nuke for Downloads, XOOPS 1 cos a Forge nature, eXponnent for startup page, cos is really modular only for one site ...

Both modules are excellent - and I appreciate the hard work that you both put into them.

Both are 3 at the moment :)

@francis: No, I do it for honor and fame!
Yes, we all here do it for fun, honor and glory...

Keep it up, Francis! Or who am I going to challenge otherwise (surely not Marcan's ones, he is out of category)?

Keep both of you even and Marcan, but in the right way - do u remeber Stampede Linux, Stormix Linux, Red Flag, E-XOOPS, H_Xoops and a lot of more which moto was the same as XOOPS - Powered by you, or Builded from ppl to ppl, from users to users, where you will be heared etc, etc. all of them are dead now, buried in History.

Re: [myMEDIA] Test my new media manager module
  • 2005/5/18 13:36

  • ilivanov

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  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28

Nice, nice, but again as Debase and SmartMedia cant limit the badnwith, take the example if one server (no matter win or gnu) streams 700MB or more to 20(in my case 125 workstations) in one time the network will be totaly flooded.

As Debaser and SmartMedia, MyMedia cant support subtitles, both of them are like one to me, unuseable.

Cos no everyone is forced to know /learn/ English, movies are unuseable without subtitles to different languages.

And one offtopic: Why Solo, Marcan, Frankblack and all other media modules developers not cooperate in one team, and to create something really usefull. This is a week place in XOOPS community, 7 different Download Modules, 10 for News publishing, and who the (censored) needs this. Instead of 10 (censored) u can create one with all pluses from this 10 forks.

Re: Digital Product module
  • 2005/5/9 8:13

  • ilivanov

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  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28

try with xassets or rha7downloads

Re: Translate Module
  • 2005/5/9 8:12

  • ilivanov

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 69

  • Since: 2004/9/28

Not so bad, but this is a Google translator, instead of creating iframed versions of existing services, u're not cooperate with Kiang and to finish the lang_tool, translate can be created with an simple link in a block to redirect the selected page to the google translate.

Great loosing of time, but if u're this first mod, good.

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