Re: How can you directly insert a block?
  • 2004/9/13 18:38

  • nuance9

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  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2004/8/13


Well I don't know how to specifically insert a block yet. But this is what I did as a temporary hack. I am not using the center-right or center-left block areas at all.

So I did the following to sort of accomplish what I want. I assign a block I want to custom insert to the center-right alignment. I then copy the following out of the theme.html file:

<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_crblocks}>

I can now place that code ANYWHERE (as far as I know) in the site.

In the main theme I erase the above code, because I don't want that block showing up as part of the entire site theme - just where ever I assign that code now.

How can you directly insert a block?
  • 2004/9/13 18:12

  • nuance9

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  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2004/8/13

By default the only way to display a block is through the admin interface. That is nice and simple, but highly limits what you can do.

How can I directly call a specific block to display in the PHP code? It has got to be possible.

Re: How do you edit or remove a calendar entry in Agenda-X
  • 2004/9/13 16:00

  • nuance9

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  • Since: 2004/8/13

When I login in as admin and go to active&expired events - no events display. Events show up fine elsewhere in Agenda-X, but not here. And thus, I can not delete. Ideas?

Re: Is it possible to specify different block locations in different modules?
  • 2004/9/11 22:51

  • nuance9

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  • Since: 2004/8/13

The deal is that not every question gets answered right away. And it is Saturday over here and Sunday on the other side of the planet. It is all volunteer.

I understand that. And I really wasn't trying to complain, it's just this is the second or third message that has just slowly disappeared off the bottom of the screen with no replies. Thank you for the direction.

Re: Is it possible to specify different block locations in different modules?
  • 2004/9/11 16:53

  • nuance9

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  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2004/8/13

What's the deal? It seems like most of my posts never get replied to. Is this the wrong forum to post these types of questions? Is there another forum where I can get some technical info on implementing xoops?

Is it possible to specify different block locations in different modules?
  • 2004/9/10 15:35

  • nuance9

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  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2004/8/13

Is it possible to specify different block locations in different modules?

For instance, on the main page I would like a block to be positioned on the right. But in the XDirectory I would like it Center-Left. Is this possible?

  • 2004/9/9 14:33

  • nuance9

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  • Since: 2004/8/13

A "one way" encoded algorithm basically just means that it isn't "supposed" to be decoded. Not that it can't.

I once had to decode encrypted passwords for my clients email accounts to recreate them on another server. I believe the tool I used was called jack the ripper or something like that. Might work for you.

Re: How to check who user is?
  • 2004/9/8 15:23

  • nuance9

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  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2004/8/13


I wanted xDirectory to only show the "modify" option if the listing submitter equals the current UID. With your help it is working now, thanks!

How to check who user is?
  • 2004/9/8 14:02

  • nuance9

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  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2004/8/13

What would be the simplest way to access the UID of a logged in user? Is this variable already available in all XOOPS pages, or would I need to execute a new DB query?

I'm very new to Xoops, so I'm unsure of the guts of it's workings.


Inserting modules into block and other modules?
  • 2004/9/7 19:07

  • nuance9

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2004/8/13

Is this possible?

Module into block
Example: I would like to insert the xDirectory category listing on the front page, just like on folsomliving.com.

Module in module
Example: I would like to insert the Agenda-X month view into the description area of a xDirectory listing.

Thanks for any help or pointers.

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