Re: Possibility to upgrade from Xoops 2.2.x into 2.4.x
  • 2010/3/19 1:47

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Hi sailjapan,

Poor me, why I didn't read the release notes... I only checked the upgrade folder, and I can not find any folder mentioned about upgrade from 2.2.x into 2.4.x

Will try that first in my PC before upgrade it in my website.

Thanks a lot....
I'll be back with the result

Possibility to upgrade from Xoops 2.2.x into 2.4.x
  • 2010/3/18 8:47

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Re: Default file permission in XOOPS
  • 2007/10/23 7:16

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

I got the solution already.

Due to the fact that most Linux Host apache web server runs php as a cgi and has suexec enabled the maximum allowed permissions of your scripts is: 755 ( rwxr-xr-x ).

That's why I got so many problems when accesing my XOOPS. So I do this :
1. Keep all the folders using (755)
2. CHMOD all the files using (644) instead of (666)

Right now, it runs smoothly.
[size=x-small]When you stop learn, you've already dead[/size]......

Default file permission in XOOPS
  • 2007/10/23 2:27

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Dear All,

I just move my XOOPS into another hosting, and I found some problem on it. I think it's related to folder and file permission for XOOPS.

What is the default folder and file permission in XOOPS ?
Here what I have in my XOOPS installation :
../public_html (750)
All folders using (755) except /cache /templates_c and /uploads which is using (777)
All files using (666)

Am I correct with all of that ?
Because not every page I can open, for some pages I found 500 Internal Server Error
Any clue of it ? May be somebody can tell me what is the default file permission of XOOPS

[size=x-small]When you stop learn, you've already dead[/size]......

Re: CBB Module - function disappear
  • 2007/5/30 11:14

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

I don't know if there are any changes or not in the Server since I'm using a Webhosting service. According to the CPanel, it using PHP 5.1.6 and MySQL 4.1.21-standard

FYI, I'm using XOOPS 2.2.3 and CBB 3.05

Yesterday I decided to upgrade my CBB module into 3.08 (the current ones) because I think there are some files corrupted in the module (I'm not sure yet).

Now, it runs okay after I upgrade the CBB Module.
[size=x-small]When you stop learn, you've already dead[/size]......

CBB Module - function disappear
  • 2007/5/29 10:33

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Dear All,

For some reason, I loss the functionality of my CBB 3.05 in my XOOPS website. It just happen by today, I don't know why.... because it has been running well since 6 months ago.

I can not reply, post new topic, etc. I can's see any icon for it, even I logon as a Webmaster/Administrator. I've check the forum and category permission, and then the Groups permission.... nothing changed. It's all correct setting.

I've try to sync the forum, nothing happen.

I even can't edit/delete/add/move/merge the Forum.

Anybody have the clues for it ? I really need help for this

[size=x-small]When you stop learn, you've already dead[/size]......

Re: Error with newbb
  • 2006/1/5 7:41

  • harlis

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  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

After I re-upload file post.php to my website, I can use "quick reply" to reply a thread. But I still can't use "reply". It still say that file post.php doesn't exist.

weird huhhh ??>
[size=x-small]When you stop learn, you've already dead[/size]......

Re: Error with newbb
  • 2006/1/5 3:42

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24


phppp wrote:
Fist, make clear:
New topic can be created without problem?
Yap....correct. Without problem


The error will occur when try to submit a reply?



Error occur to "reply" from each post and to "quick reply"?

Yap, to "reply" or "quick reply"


Is there any change on PHP or apache (upgrade or re-config) during the time period?

I don't know. Because I hosted my website in one of Hosting provider. And there are no notification from them regarding server application upgrade.


Check mainfile.php, make sure to use full path in define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/Fullpath/toYourXOOPS/');

I've checked it all. It's using a full path

Is there any possible cause and any clue to fix this problem without re-installing the module ?
[size=x-small]When you stop learn, you've already dead[/size]......

Re: Error with newbb
  • 2006/1/5 3:11

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24


JMorris wrote:
Have you checked the file system permissions (chmod) on the files.

They should be set to chmod 644.

Also, if somehow the ownership changed on the files, that might cause a problem too.

Best Regards,


Yap....the post.php has 644 mode and there's no chanes in the ownership.

I've also try to klik the "update" button for newBB and System module. But, it didn't solve my problem. t still can't replying to any thread. But no problem with creating a new topic or editing an existing thread.


[size=x-small]When you stop learn, you've already dead[/size]......

Error with newbb
  • 2006/1/5 2:53

  • harlis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2004/3/24

Dear All,

I'm using XOOPS 2.2.3 with newbb
Suddenly, my user can't reply to any thread. The error is :


Not Found
The requested URL /modules/newbb/post.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I checked my website, and all the files are there completely (including post.php)
Me and my user can post and send a new topic, but can't reply. Any help would be helpful for me


[size=x-small]When you stop learn, you've already dead[/size]......

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