MySql question
  • 2006/9/5 21:45

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

I'm not sure what subforum this should go in, so feel free to move it need be. I'm having some problems with my incredibly crappy hosting service, that shall not be named, and my site is currently down. I have everything backed up, thankfully, but in the meantime, none of my work is currently online. I was wondering if there was some way to extract my posts to the news module in plain text form from my MySQL database so that I can post them to a free blogging service or something similar so that I have at least some web presence until this problem is resolved?

Re: MediaWiki/Wordbook
  • 2005/5/9 9:08

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

I'm sorry.. I should have phrased that better. It's 4 in the morning here, so all the pistons aren't pumping in this exhausted mind of mine. I already have wordbook installed for a different use. Are there any modules similar to wordbook that are availabe? Or any chance of that port happening?

  • 2005/5/9 8:43

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

Is there any chance that MediaWiki will be ported to xoops? And if not, is there a wordbook like module that exists? I was just hit with a bit of inspiration for my site and I need an encyclopedia style module to house the information properly. But the only thing stopping me from installing MediaWiki directly is that I don't want to force users to register twice for my site.

Updates Module
  • 2005/2/28 23:02

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

Is there any sort of module that would produce a block that shows what modules have been updated recently? Not so much a summary as a numerical representation of what's been added(how many new pictures, links or articles have been added that day. That sort of thing.) If you run a reasonably big site with a wide range of features, it may get difficult for faithful readers or newcomers to figure out where the new material is to check out and it seems a block like that on the front page would be perfect for pointing them in the right direction.

Xoops Partner Module Question
  • 2004/12/17 19:50

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

I'm using the partner module to cycle through banners for other sites, but I guess the banners I have are smaller than they should be, because they get stretched out in the block and look horrible


What would I have to change so that the banners aren't bloated to the point of being ugly?

Re: Topsite Mod
  • 2004/10/8 10:43

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

It's a reffer ranking list. The more hits you send in, the higher the rank on the list. It's a great traffic drawn amongst sites with a similar topic to your own.

Re: News problem
  • 2004/9/16 22:16

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

I have it set to "no".

Re: News problem
  • 2004/9/16 19:32

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

Oh... sorry. My news version is 1.21 and my XOOPS version is 2.07.3

News problem
  • 2004/9/16 7:19

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

I'm having some permission problems with the recent update for news. For some reason, anonymous visitors can't read the whole article (the portion you see after you click "read more"). Whenever I try to set the permissions so that they can read everything, I just get a page that has nothing but a back link.. no sort of "database updated" or anything. Any tips for how to fix this?

Re: Noticeboard
  • 2004/8/30 4:23

  • jester

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  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2003/12/18

Yeah.. it's a really compact way to sell ad space on your site without seeming to overwhelming like some banner ads are.

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