I have adapted all my previous work to run with PHPUNIT, and I now cover kernel, class and xoops_lib directories.
The next step is to build a continous integration system based on JENKINS.
class XoopsBlockForm extends XoopsForm
public function __construct()
parent::__construct('', 'blockform', '');
function b_system_info_edit($options)
$block_form = new XoopsBlockForm();
$block_form->addElement( new XoopsFormText(_MB_SYSTEM_PWWIDTH, 'options[0]', 1, 3, $options[0]), true);
$block_form->addElement( new XoopsFormText(_MB_SYSTEM_PWHEIGHT, 'options[1]', 1, 3, $options[1]), true);
$block_form->addElement( new XoopsFormText(sprintf(_MB_SYSTEM_LOGO, XOOPS_URL . "/images/"), 'options[2]', 5, 100, $options[2]), true);
$block_form->addElement(new XoopsFormRadioYN(_MB_SYSTEM_SADMIN, 'options[3]', $options[3]));
return $block_form->render();
Index: blockform.php
--- blockform.php (revision 624)
+++ blockform.php (working copy)
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
$ret .= '';
@+ // next line added
@+ $ret .= $this->renderValidationJS(true);
return $ret;