Re: How to add a customValidationCode to xoopsFormValidate_blockform
  • 2013/4/8 6:01

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

see this picture

the bigger red star is jQuery (which i dont know what is the function)

the smaller red star is xoopsform (xoopsFormValidate_blockform) which didnt work in options as you can see.

I hope somebody could find a solution for this.

Re: How to add a customValidationCode to xoopsFormValidate_blockform
  • 2013/4/8 18:30

  • alain91

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2012/11/11

You are right, there is not way at the moment to get the name of the Form.

But, there is a convention, and the name of the form is 'blockform'

So, just pass this name
class XoopsBlockForm extends XoopsForm
    public function 

The red stars :

This works with xhtml but now xoops use HTML5. And html5 have new tags and attributs. One new attribut is named 'required'. using 'required' in an input tag automatically check if the field is empty and display a message in case of error. No javascript in needed.

After few tests, I found the 'required' attribute in input tag ignores the script in javascript. I will continue to investigate.

One could try to use addEelement with false for required parameter.

Re: How to add a customValidationCode to xoopsFormValidate_blockform
  • 2013/4/9 2:27

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

I tried a lot. none of the solution will work because the main issue is it create a nested form.
The only solution is finding a way to get the $form element and add new element to this $form


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