Myltiple social media feed and overview by user selection
  • 2017/5/19 14:07

  • RamteamJax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2012/6/17

Hi there,

First of all, thanks for reading this topic. I'm completely lost into finding a working solution to our problem.

We are a startup company, focusing on customers from our former Dutch company. We've had many issues as we were using Wordpress, but apparently this is not or almost not possible on WP. I have used XOOPS a long time ago for my online gaming clan and was forced to move to WP because of a sponsor. Since our startup conpany has nothing to do with the online gaming clan, we can decide to go with XOOPS.

The question below was asked on the subforum for Feed Them Social for WP. See more at the bottom:

My question is simple.

I've got many feeds to use (all operated by me and my associates), such as multiple facebook pages, twitter accounts, youtube etc.

If I would add a multiple feed using Feed Them Social, is there then an option registered users can select WHICH feed they see?

User 1 selects and sees feed1, feed7, feed 8..
User 2 selects and sees feed7, feed 29, feed 4..
User 3 selects and sees all feeds..
User 4 selects and sees feed9.

Is this possible and if so, how do I set it up?

Time is essential as we've spent a LOT (seriously) of money on plugins already because every dev put there claimed their plugin would do the trick. But none of m have.

We are willing to spend another xx amount of money, but would like to see results first (e.g. a demo or anything).

Thanks in advance.

With regards,

So what we need is a coding/plugin/module that gives us the possibility to let signed in users decide which feed they see.

We do have a html-version of the Custom Facebook Feed, so we could use this to implenent/embed it. I am not very fond of the CFF plugin, but hey, we do legally own a copy.

I hope there's someone out there who can help us out.
We've spent nearly all our budget on plugins that don't work the way we want it.

If there is someone here who is willing to help me/us out, we might habe work for you in the future as well.

With regards,

ExtGallery -> no upload button for users ??
  • 2014/2/3 11:56

  • RamteamJax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2012/6/17

Hey there,

I was wondering, since the changelog says so, where the upload button for members is in this module ..

At first I used the 2012 version of ExtGallery and didn't find it there, so I let members send their pictures by mail after which I would upload them myself. But due to lack of time, I want users to be able to upload pictures themselves.

So when I went to the module repository on xoops.org, I found an updated version of ExtGallery. Removed the old one from the modules-list on my website, removed it from the ftp client, did some maintanence using that function, uploaded the new ExtGallery module, installed it, added permissions (especially those allowing users to upload their pictures without approval etc), but still, there is NO upload button for webmasters and members.

So I would like to know what I'm doing wrong.

Also, the TAG option doesn't work. Whenever I hit the button to 'download and install' necessary files, it tells me the TAG-module is installed, but the module itself is not. Also manually adding the tag-option isn't working (in fact it results in destroying the whole website).

Please help me out here, as I'm not able to find out what to do.

Thanks in advance.


Re: HTML Signature. Possible ?
  • 2014/1/8 12:55

  • RamteamJax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2012/6/17

hmm yah, ok.
We've never had any issue on an 'underground' (meaning: private) tech site running legal vBulletin software. Barely everyone uses html signatures over there.

Re: Xforum latest forum posts block ?
  • 2014/1/8 12:53

  • RamteamJax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2012/6/17


Re: Xforum latest forum posts block ?
  • 2014/1/7 16:31

  • RamteamJax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2012/6/17

Ow, I see the blocks indeed. Meh, how could I've looked over it haha.
Now I have to do some colorcoding (easy though).

If you guys like music as in podcasts and tracks, then check out the site:
- http://www.ramteamradio.eu/go !


Re: Xforum latest forum posts block ?
  • 2014/1/7 16:24

  • RamteamJax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2012/6/17

Hi Bleekk, I will check that out later.
@Mamba, sorry, but I friggin' hate NewBB. I love xForum.
Might not be maintained anymore, but I love all features.
NewBB sucsk big time in my opinion. But that's personal.
We used to use NewBB on our gaming website and lots of members stopped posting on the forums because of all the issues with it (double posts, no posts, no cellphone support as in 'unable to post, please try again'). With xForum, we can use it on our cellphones without any issue. Just my 2cents.

Xforum latest forum posts block ?


On our DJ/Producer website we're using Xforum as a forum module.
I'd like to display a block on the main page which shows the latest top 10 (or more) topics created on the forum.

I looked in the options, preferences etc, but can't find it.

Does anyone have an idea on how to get it done ?

Thanks in advance.


HTML Signature. Possible ?
  • 2014/1/2 17:52

  • RamteamJax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2012/6/17


I run a couple of websites using the infmamous (but in my opinion best CMS I've ever worked with) Xoops CMS and I've got a question.

I'm involved with a team of DJ's (mainly techno and tech house) and run a dedicated website including an online radiostream with all of our sets and released tracks.

Now, I'm willing to offer our members the option to post their Soundcloud and Mixcloud profiles in their signature, but I need to enable HTML for that.

I cannot find any option to allow this. Could anyone tell me how to do this ? Or, if so, why it's not possible/supported ?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Soundcloud BB tag support
  • 2013/10/16 10:04

  • RamteamJax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2012/6/17

anyone ?

I know that the [DHTML form with xCode] editor when creating a new topic has several 'popup' features, such as add an image by link, youtube and more. Would be nice to have a Soundcloud feature next to it as well.

I just can't seem to find the code that needs to be inserted just like the Youtube code. Maybe I'm using the wrong keywords in google search. I'm pretty sure it's the same code as in phpnuke, vbulletin etc, but yah, I just can't find the proper code. So if anyone could help, that would be pretty nifty :)

Re: Soundcloud BB tag support
  • 2013/10/15 8:40

  • RamteamJax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2012/6/17

That would be nice, but how to do it ?
I mean, I know my way around in css and html, but not everything, far from that.
I am more of a graphical designer to fit the needs of my clients.

!! tell me, tell me, tell me !!

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