Re: Help Me Decide Xoops or Joomla
  • 2006/6/15 21:10

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

Look, after all the surm is sturmed and all the drang is dranged, let me leave you with this:

If you know how to FTP(I think you do...) and this is your first CMS experience, XOOPS would be a very, very good choice. Overall, it is easy to setup and administrate, there are a lot of good modules for it and it is very stable.

It's a great way to get your feet wet. Sadly, the same cannot be said for Joomla, as far as I am concerned. The high granularity of control could very well leave you frustrated and off-put. Also, some of the admin functions are confusing.

Not to say that Joomla is bad, it is just more appropriate for a more experienced admin.

"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

Re: Help Me Decide Xoops or Joomla
  • 2006/6/10 3:25

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

Well, I am playing with Joomla right now for a project where the people are interested in it. I have setup and run lots of XOOPS sites. I do have to say that Joomla has some great features, but has a steep learning curve and is really not for the less experienced amongst us. I am finding some of the concepts and metaphors in the administration section very tough to grasp. I will grasp them, but...

On the other hand, some parts, like the file manager add-on and the ability to add modules, components, themes and mambots from an admin menu is very handy.

All in all it is a mixture of some very nice features with little of the straightforward user interface XOOPS has in its admin section.

And yes, Joomla has some very, very nice free themes.
"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

AMS: Ok, this is starting to get right up my nose.
  • 2005/9/6 23:20

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

I am using AMS and Koivi on a political campaign site. Somehow the "\" character is being inserted before quotation marks and apostraphes. XOOPS version is 2.0.13.

There is a fix out there, I just do not remember it. Can anyone help me?
"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

Re: Is there an award for the ugliest XOOPS site ever???
  • 2005/8/23 11:51

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

Ease up on yourself, Bruce. That ain't all that bad, and in time, you will refine it.

Damn big Cockatoo in that picture.
"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

Re: WHY????
  • 2005/8/23 11:43

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

Such a graphics- and work-intensive theme takes time. Now, what is a theme developer's time worth? After all, they have to eat and it's hard to make themes in a refrigerator box under a train trestle, down by the river. It's also hard to get an internet connection in conditions like that and the conditions are hard on computers.

My customers pay for custom themes. I see that dedicated theme developers, who have vastly more talent then me, get the business. It supports the community as a whole, because the theme developers, receiving the positive feedback of money, stay in the game.

A theme like that should command a premium price. By "premium", I mean LONG green.
"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

AMS, Koivi and 2.1.13: Inserting "/" before " ' "
  • 2005/7/22 21:13

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

We have seen this problem before. I just don't remember if there is a fix or not? Is there? Can someone point me at the instructions?
"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

Supported BB Codes in Xoops?
  • 2005/7/22 14:41

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

Is there a list anywhere? I am having trouble making a bulleted list.
"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

Re: Content Module Decision Question
  • 2005/7/22 13:47

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

Sweet bleedin' Jeebus on a Garage Creeper! Where has this module been all my life! Man, this is doing EXACTLY what I have needed for a long time. Now, there are a few bugs in it, such as holding format of cut n' pasted stuff and whatnot, but I can get by that. Still, this is way, way cool.

BTW, to the doubters about the menu thing: The module menu function picks up all the other menu functions from Main menu.

This is a slick piece of work. I am going to be installing it on all my sites, over time. Kudos to the author. This rocks.
"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

Re: Content Module Decision Question
  • 2005/7/22 13:47

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

Sweet bleedin' Jeebus on a Garage Creeper! Where has this module been all my life! Man, this is doing EXACTLY what I have needed for a long time. Now, there are a few bugs in it, such as holding format of cut n' pasted stuff and whatnot, but I can get by that. Still, this is way, way cool.

BTW, to the doubters about the menu thing: The module menu function picks up all the other menu functions from Main menu.

This is a slick piece of work. I am going to be installing it on all my sites, over time. Kudos to the author. This rocks.
"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

Re: Content Module Decision Question
  • 2005/7/22 3:49

  • Tandy

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2003/8/11

Do you do custom PhP work as well? Hmmm...PM me with contact info. There *may* be custom work needed on this site. I stress *may*. Strongly.
"Tricks and Treachery are the practices of fools, who don't have the brains to be honest"-Bejamin Franklin...

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