Re: Xoops is mulfuntioning, depending on where you live?

By the way, I have HotLink enabled. This feature prevents anyone outside from stealing images, and linking images from their site.

Could this be the problem?

Xoops is mulfuntioning, depending on where you live?

OKay. I'm having some trouble.
I don't know what's going on. But my site looks differently depending where you are.
My site is currantly at: Symbiotic Online.
To people, it loads, you can see nice graphics, and everything is fine.

But to some other people, it looks like this:
Resized Image
I've checked their browsers, they are all above I.E5.5.
One user was running it fine, the next day, the site had broken images, and things were'nt loading.

Some get 404 errors, that files don't exisit, but they do! =X
I was online when this happened, someone got a 404, and I was viewing the same file!

I can run it now, and refresh, clear canche, others, can't do anything. It won't let users register on some.
Majority of this is happening for people in the US.

Someone help please!
What on earth is going on?!

Re: Looking for a good classified ads module

Gosh! How did you make your template fit?
I'm having so many problems with it. lol.
I tried switching it over to template2.php. And I can't customie it, beacause it's ALL in php. =/
Can you show us your template, or maybe code?
Would be so much help!

Soapbox 1.5 (Having problems! )

Hey, I was wondering, if anyone can help me out?
I made Soapbox an events kinda thing, and I made colums into citys, and so I put an event in each of the colum. But look, the CSS is all wrong.
If you use your clicker and select the text, you can see that there is text that is white. How do I change it? I tried too in the template, but it refused to work.

Also, how do I do my own index welcome message, insted of the Supbox default one?

Also, there's the word 'Soapbox' there, that I want to remove, and change the word 'SoapBox' to Events. I did in blocks, but don't know how do it in the moduel itself?

Also, is there a better module out there to support this kinda thing?
Would help.

Re: Making TIME run off GMT, not Server's time?

Thank you.
Silly of me. I forgot to put the default server time. =/ lol.
Yes, no wonder why it was taking the wrong time.
I feel so embrassed.

Thank you once again.

Templare help! Making header move with page?

I've created my own template, and it works great! Only when the main body of the page gets disrupted by a large link, which in turn makes the page wider then it should.
I've made it so the header CAN expand. Whille, having two images on one side, and a background image colum, set to background, and 100%.
This table is inside the whole template table. But when the whole BODY expands, the header does not.
For example.
My site at normal:

The site strected:

Any Help?
Did you want me to post the code?

Making TIME run off GMT, not Server's time?

If there a fix to make the "time" function in the templaes, appear to be the time, with a GMT + or - ? It's kinda annoying. Beacause alot of my patrons are in Australia, and we're a day ahead usualy. So the date is always a day behind then it should.
Specified in the Settings GMT 10+, but still does'nt work. It's running off the server's time clock. =((

Any help?

Re: A few questions. (Regarding index.php, and WF-Sections.)

Hmmm.. it's not doing it.
Maybe it's just cache. But it's not refreshing. hmm..

Re: A few questions. (Regarding index.php, and WF-Sections.)

Thanks for the help, really did help.
1# I got the sections to show up as a menu. But when you click on the catogorys, it redirects to index.php of the wfsections folder.
Here is my site:
I don't know what the difference between, the section called "My Expressions" on the menu:http://www.symbiotic-online.com/modules/wfsection/index.php?category=9 (Which redirects...)
and "My Experinces, as a link of a spotlight":

So confused!

2# Also, is there a way of limiting the spotlight on the page? To a certain number of characters?

3# Is there a way to make another "spotlight" coloum for a section you've made up?
For example, you have a main page. You have a Games, and Movies section. Any recent articles in those sections disply in the index.php of the site.

Thanks so much for the help, appricate the help.
Thank you for the compliment on the layout, took me a bit to figure it out!

Re: admin.php blank.

I don't know how I fixed it.
But... all of a sudden it just started working.
Was SO STRANGE! Beacause all the images started to load and stuff.
I don't know what I did. But it was likey Server Side, as I had nothing to do with it.

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