Re: Putting XOOPS Database to other Server!

No problem! thanks for the help I'd make it from trial and error method.

I have one last question, How cahn I setup XOOPS in IIS Server? What are the things that I must change?

Re: Putting XOOPS Database to other Server!

Yes, you're right. But I want to separate the database on other machines this is for security purposes. How can I do this?

Re: Running Apache & IIS at the same time!

Yes, I already changed the mainfile.php evrything works fine.

@DonXoop & Brash
Yes, I've been using port 80 for IIS and port 8080 for Apache. Can u help me how to setup the XOOPS in IIS. What shall I do?

Also I have a question:

I've been using XOOPS as Intranet,can I install or put the XOOPS database into other computers so my server won't get that big? How can I do this? What are the things that I must change?

Putting XOOPS Database to other Server!

I've been using XOOPS as Intranet,can I install or put the XOOPS database into other computers so my server won't get that big? How can I do this? What are the things that I must change?

Running Apache & IIS at the same time!

I've been using IIS for my other application. I've also tested Apache and MySQL for my XOOPS. Can I run the same web server at the same time, both IIS and Apache? I've been encountering lots of problem using IIS that's why I decide to use Apache?

Also can I put the database (mysql) on the other computers then XOOPS will just query there.I've been using XOOPs as Intranet.

What are the things that I must do?

Re: Any software programmers here (windows)???

If that things u want to do that's easy. Use or buy Perfect Keylogger, buy the latest version and there is a configuration there to include it in a distributed software made by u through a remote installation, and then everything will be ok u can now view the screen shots of all those people who are using your software.

Now if u want only a remote I can recommend something use VNC Viwer or Remote Admin. I have here u can buy for lower prices.

Hope it helps.

Login Problem!

I've been having using XOOPS as an Intranet and now I've got a big problem, No users even nthe administrator could log-on. How can I fix this one. Here is the error it says:

Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant XOOPS_VERSION - assumed 'XOOPS_VERSION' in file c:\mysql\data\muntinlupa\html\class\template.php line 52

Anyone can help me?

Re: Can XOOPS do this things?

I;ve been using XOOPS as an intranet. Can uyou give me a good advise what software or XOOPS modules shall I use to have an scheduling agent to backup everything especially my databse weekly?

Re: bug on XOOPS!

I've been using this script in the mainmenu.html and I had a problem when an Administrator had logged in no problem the link/window will popup but if an anonymous user click the link CrimeMapping it didn't popup it proceed on the same page.

What can I do to fix this?

<table cellspacing="0">
<td id="mainmenu">
<a class="menuTop" href="<{$xoops_url}>/"><{$block.lang_home}></a>
<!-- start module menu loop -->
<{foreach item=module from=$block.modules}>
<a class="menuMain" href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/<{$module.directory}>/"><{$module.name}></a>
<{foreach item=sublink from=$module.sublinks}>
<a class="menuSub" href="<{$sublink.url}>"><{$sublink.name}></a>
<!-- end module menu loop -->

<{if !$xoops_isadmin}><a class="menuMain"> <a href="http://im-server/muntinlupa/index_view.htm">
target="_self" onClick="MyWindow=window.open('http://imserver/muntinlupa/','MyWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=1024,height=768'); return false;">

<{if $xoops_isadmin}><a class="menuMain"> <a href="http://im-server/muntinlupa/"
target="_self" onClick="MyWindow=window.open('http://imserver/muntinlupa/','MyWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=1024,height=768'); return false;"> CrimeMapping Administration</a><{/if}>


Can XOOPS do this things?

Can XOOPS do the Recovery System like the one in Windows XP or a something like a System Restore so if ever everything fails to be backed up or you forgot to backed up within that day you can restore at a certain point and bring back everything?

Can anyone know this?

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