Are you making money with Xoops?


I'm just wondering how many of you have profitable XOOPS based websites?

Do you make just a little extra cash? Do you make your living of it?

Just curiosity...


Re: calendar module with ics support for iCal (mac)

I did, actually, but haven't heard yet.

The problem is that it's a site for a school so and incentive is not really an option.

Worst case scenario I'll try to hack it myself... It can probably be fixed with htaccess files (the url in the browser seems to be the problem. It doesn't like the php type address, it wants a file name as calendar.ics).


calendar module with ics support for iCal (mac)


I'm looking for a module for a calendar that allows users to subscribe to events through ics files. Any suggestions?

I've checked piCal, but iCal for the mac doesn't recognize the data sent via this module (gives me an invalid data error). xCal works, but I want users to be able to post events (xCal only allows ics file uploads to the server).

I have a 100% mac user base, and they need to be able to subscribe to calendar events. Downloading ics files and importing into iCal doesn't quite cut it.


contact list like in flickr

It would be nice to have a module where you can add a list of member you like, with a block so you can see their latest contributions (depending on installed modules).

If you've tried flickr, you know what I mean.

Re: bridged coppermine and search

I found a way to integrate the search quite seamlessly in a quite easy way (took only about half an hour to do).

It's not very elegant, and I haven't tested that thoroughly, but so far is working great:

I tricked xcgallery to search the coppermine gallery instead of it's itself.

I installed coppermine in the same database as xoops, and I installed xcgal as well. Then I changed the search files in xcgall to search the coppermine gallery by hardcoding the table names in all the sql queries.

I also had to change /search.php so that the results are displayed pointing to coppermine instead of xcgal.

That's it! I even get the thumbnail to show up in search results!

Re: Unable to update News 1.44 block option

Just in case anyone else has this problem...

My recent news block would disapear from my home page after changing the block's preferences to include some teaser text.

I solved the problem by making sure that at the bottom of the block preferences there where news topics selected.

Re: bridged coppermine and search

Thanks, but I want the site to appear as integrated as possible... but you gave me an idea. Maybe I can find a third party search script that can search the whole site...

bridged coppermine and search

I have bridged coppermine with xoops, and it seems to be working ok, but I'd like the search in XOOPS to search the gallery as well.

I could have two separate searches, but it doesn't seem very usable that way.

I've also considered using xcgallery, but the functionality is not as amazing as coppermine's.

Any suggestions are welcomed.


XcGallery main page


I'd like to be able to see the albums in a category in the main page, instead of just the category description.

Is there a way to do that with just the xcgallery module? or do I need to use the full blown coppermine to do it?


Show sublinks of all modules all the time


I was wondering, how do you create a main menu that shows all sublinks for all modules?

I'd like to make a dropdown menu that will show the submenus no matter where you are.

That way you don't have to click on News (for example) to see the add news and archive.

Sorry it this has already been answered, but I couldn't find it...


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