Re: Directory with multiple level categories
  • 2005/2/9 6:41

  • rob777

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  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Thanks WarDick! That worked!

I never realized you had to update the module after messing with the templates. I tweaked some things in other modules, but they were php files, and they showed right up when I reloaded the page. Man, I think I'm learning.

Thanks so much!

Re: Directory with multiple level categories
  • 2005/2/9 5:12

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Ok! Weblinks is what I needed! Cool Thanks.

Now...could someone help me out with a a problem I'm having??

I want to get rid of the RSS and atom links in Weblinks (I don't need news feeds of business cards, and if I don't need them I would rather erase them from the visitors view).

I also want to get rid of the "guidence bars" that have the "random", "Popular", Mutual sites", etc.

How do I get rid of these????

I don't see the options in the admin panel.

I tried deleting them from the templates/weblinks_header.html and weblinks_index.html.

I tried commenting them out with "//" and completely removing them from header.php; index.php; and language/english/main.php

What am I missing? Is there some kind of overwrite that doesn't let you change this, or what?? I'm going cross-eyed looking through all these files. Please help!


Re: Directory with multiple level categories
  • 2005/2/9 0:38

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Thanks for the replies.

I had xdirectory and it wasn't quite what I was looking for.

I can't do the php changes without instructions. I don't know anything about php, I'm still learning. But if told which files to look in, and which commands to look for, AND what to change them too, I can do that. Although once in awhile I can find my way to make minor changes, but nothing major.

I think the Weblinks is gonna be the one. I'm uploading to my server right now. By the description of it's features, it sounds like the perfect fit.

Many thanks, M0nty, and WarDick!


Directory with multiple level categories
  • 2005/2/8 22:34

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Hi gurus,

Maybe there is already something out there that I am looking for but I can't find it. If it exsists could you point me to it. If not, maybe one of you awesome xoopers could take a minute and modify a module out of the goodness of your hearts.

I need a module that I can set up like this.

Function- to allow professionals (advisors, agents, brokers, etc.) to place a brief text advertisment. They would post the zip code of the areas they service in the headline, their experience, contact info, bio, etc in the description area. Then my visitors can browse through the listings to find proffessionals in their area.

Admin configuration- I could set-up the categories like this,
on the main page there would be "real estate agents" "Financial advisors" Stock Brokers" "Insurance agents".

Then after you click the Real Estate agents cat, you see a list of states and providences (that I add from the admin panel when needed).

Click on a state and you get the listings for that state.

A very cool feature that would really make this module awesome is if you could somehow make the each of the main topic categories searchable by zip codes.

The mylinks module is the closest thing I can find to what I need, except I don't want the headline to be a clickable link.

Perhaps one of you could point out how to modify the mylinks module for what I need.

I already run mylinks for my link directory, so how would I install another mylinks module if I wanted to use it for this directory?

How could I eliminate the link feature of the headline? I would rather keep the headline as text, and put the url (if included) at the end of the professional's description, bio, and such. You know, keep the url at the bottom with the rest of their contact info.

Thanks everyone,

Re: Simplified URLs Hack
  • 2005/1/31 21:33

  • rob777

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  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21


Could you please show the code lines that need to be changed? Pretty Pleaseee!

I too want to change the (+)'s to(-)'s.
here's the orginal from simplified_url.php
$out = array(
// Replace URLs of Xoops's root directry.
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5.$6+$7.html$8$9$10>'
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5.$6+$7+$8+$9.html$10$11$12>'
// Replace URLs of modules' directry.
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5+index.htm$6$7$8>'
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5+$6.htm$7$8$9>'
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5+$6.$7+$8.htm$9$10$11>'
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5+$6.$7+$8+$9+$10.htm$11$12$13>'
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5+$6.$7+$8+$9+$10+$11+$12.htm$13$14$15>'
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5+$6.$7+$8+$9+$10+$11+$12+$13+$14.htm$15$16$17>'
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5+$6.$7+$8+$9+$10+$11+$12+$13+$14+$15+$16.htm$17$18$19>'
, '<$1$2$3=$4'.XOOPS_URL.'/$5+$6.$7+$8+$9+$10+$11+$12+$13+$14+$15+$16+$17+$18.htm$19$20$21>'

Do I just change all the + signs above to - signs? Do I have to modify any other files or code lines?


Also to anyone else,
Is there anyway to get the url to also include the article title. Specificly in WF-Sections. Here is the tile code from module/wfsection/article.php file.
// $title
$articletag['title'] = $article->category->textLink().": ";
$articletag['title'] .= $article->title();

Could I insert $articletag['title'] into the simplified_urls file somewhere to get it to display the article title in the url. I have found that you get better SE placement with title urls like www. myhome.com/articles/how_to_doda.html (I have another website that I did with Dreamweaver and is all html, and most of my 100 articles get top 5 spots when searched for their topic). Do A google search on "solar kiln" i'm #3, or "quarter sawn lumber" #1 and you will see what I mean. I get about 50% of my traffic from the SE results for the articles.

So I could modify the simplified_url.php to show something like www. myhome.com/wfsection-how_to_doda-id-1.htm ? Any thoughts??

Thanks all,

Re: Firefox and database(?) problems
  • 2005/1/27 19:47

  • rob777

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  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

I found another bug with FireFox.

I tryed regidtering as a new user through Firefox, Net7 and IE to see what the users will see.

Netscape 7 and IE worked fine.

the bug I found with Firefox is that when a new user uses the activation key link from the email, or pasting url direct into the browser, their account is activated fine. But the automatic redirect doesn't work.

step one-click key link, and a page comes up "thanks for regsitering, yadda yadda, "If the page doesn't automatically reload, click here"

step two- if you wait for the auto redirect you get redirected to a blank screen. if your click the "click here" you are taken to the index page. But once in a while the redirect will work like it supposed to.

Nothing major, I think, but is very buggy acting.


Re: NewBB2 RSS problem
  • 2005/1/27 8:19

  • rob777

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  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Thanks for the help.

It didn't work though. Still the same error message. So I just turned off the RSS option in the admin panel.


NewBB2 RSS problem
  • 2005/1/27 7:41

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Hi all,

Not that I use it or anything, but I clicked on the RSS buttom on the bottom of my forums list and got this error

XML Parsing Error: syntax error
Location: http://allmoneytopics.com/modules/newbb/rss.php
Line Number 1, Column 16:

I'm running NewBB2, I deleted the NewBB that came with Xoops, and fresh installed the NewBB2. Running XOOPS on a Linux, i686, Apache 1.3.33 (Unix), PHP 4.3.10, MySQL 4.0.22-standard.

I wished I knew what all that ment.

Anyway, What do I have to do to fix the error, or get rid of the RSS feed link button? If it works, I'll keep it. If not...I don't think I need anyway.


Re: WF-Sections questions
  • 2005/1/26 16:36

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Thanks for the help. Yes the version was 1.01. I couldn't find 2.01, the only one I could find 2.07 beta.

Anyway, in case anyone else is looking for the same answers to the question I asked, here is what I found.

1. To get rid of the example text on the index page you have to use the floating admin menu for wf-sections (the one that comes up when you hover the mouse over the image block) and click on "index page management". If you just click on the wf-sections image block in your admin side, the index page option is not displayed on the list of admin features.

2. To get rid of the sub menu options (submit, popular, and rated) displayed in the main menu you have to go to the module/wf-section/xoops_version.php file and about 80 or so lines down you will see

// Menu
$modversion['hasMain'] = 1;
$modversion['sub'][1]['name'] = _MI_WFS_SUBMIT;
$modversion['sub'][1]['url'] = "submit.php";
$modversion['sub'][2]['name'] = _MI_WFS_POPULAR;
$modversion['sub'][2]['url'] = "topten.php?counter=1";
$modversion['sub'][3]['name'] = _MI_WFS_RATEFILE;
$modversion['sub'][3]['url'] = "topten.php?rate=1";

just add // to comment them out. like this

// Menu
$modversion['hasMain'] = 1;
//$modversion['sub'][1]['name'] = _MI_WFS_SUBMIT;
//$modversion['sub'][1]['url'] = "submit.php";
//$modversion['sub'][2]['name'] = _MI_WFS_POPULAR;
//$modversion['sub'][2]['url'] = "topten.php?counter=1";
//$modversion['sub'][3]['name'] = _MI_WFS_RATEFILE;
//$modversion['sub'][3]['url'] = "topten.php?rate=1";
I found this info in this post

I wanted to keep the submit, popular, and rated options but not in the main menu, so I put the links in the index page footer, that I found in answer #1 above. So now under my list of categories there is this.
"Submit an Article | View most Popular | Sort by Rating"

Worked perfect.


WF-Sections questions
  • 2005/1/26 4:25

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Hi All,

I have been playing with XOOPS for 7 days now. I think I have begun to figure things out and I think I have found the modules I need.

I plan to have hundreds of articles and need a module to handle it. I tryed like 9 different ones and the only ones that fit what I was looking for was WF-Sections 1.0.1 and Articles 0.17. I decided on WF, but it was close.

Now I need some help tweaking it slightly. I have found some answers and fixed somethings, but still need help on other things.
1. How to get rid of the "WF-Sections" , "This is a test header 2" , and "This is a test footer" on the index? (where my category list is) I want to add an intro there instead, somethinglike "Hi welcome....please enjoy...yadda yadda yadda."

On the admin side, you can only change the head info for each category. but not the index page. Everything looks fine once you click into one of the categories.

I checked the modules/wf-sections/index.php file and I don't know php very well so I couldn't find a spot to change this in there. Any suggestions?

2. How can I turn off the sub-menu options of "Submit", "Rated", and "Popular" that show in the main menu (they only display when you are in the WF-Section, but I still would like to get rid of them)? I looked in the blocks admin, and everything is set to "no".

Everything else is pretty self explanitory, for now. So I guess that it for WF questions...for now.


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