as you can see from his post, I dont think that was the problem...
I have tried both with UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 and both give the same result...
XML Parsing Error: syntax error
Location: http://exelsior.sweden/modules/newbb/rss.php
Line Number 1, Column 16:
xml version="" encoding=""?>
So it actually points to the xml version being empty, not the encoding.
with UTF-8 enabled and not, it gives the exact same fault...
in the template one can read
xml version="<{$rss.xml_version}>"
and in the code rss.php in the module...
if (!$tpl->is_cached('db:newbb_rss.html')) {
$rss = &newbb_buildrss();
$tpl->assign('rss', $rss);
so it seems those variables are not provided to the template from the newbb_buildrss function for some reason...
looking deeper I see that the include/functions.php DOES provide these variables, but I cant see that the templates gets them, perhaps it goes through the xml parser before the template is filled? Changing the template to try to get it to debug only gives other errors from the xml parser so it seems the parser processes the template in some manner...
Oh, BTW, freshly installed with the newBB replaced with newBB2.0.1 and the patch for it.
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# php -v
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