Re: error help..
  • 2005/12/1 21:45

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Indeed Bender,

my session table looks very different aswell.

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.6.4-pl2
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Generation TimeDec 012005 at 10:46 PM
-- Server version4.0.25
-- PHP Version4.3.11
Database: `xxxxxx`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

Table structure for table `xoops_session`

CREATE TABLE `xoops_session` (
sess_idvarchar(32NOT NULL default '',
sess_updatedint(10unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
sess_ipvarchar(15NOT NULL default '',
sess_datatext NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY  (`sess_id`),
KEY `updated` (`sess_updated`)

I am guessing that your XOOPS version does not have a table like your SQL command either. This is the reason your getting this nasty message. As you can see from my export the session table has the following columns : sees_id, sess_updated, sess_ip and sess_data.

I tried your site but could not quite read enough to try and register

greetings Highlander
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

Re: DB Issue
  • 2005/12/1 21:36

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi Xetox,

As long as your XOOPS version are the same (to keep things simple) it should not be too hard.

Use PhpMyAdmin (or an other database administration tool) to export the table(s) with users form the old DB and use the same tool to import the table(s) into the new DB.

for XOOPS (my version) you will need to export the following table : "_users" and for the permissions you'll need to do the same for "_groups_users_link" and "_groups".

Use the export function to make a full backup (all tables) first just incase you press the wrong buttons !!

Hope this helps, Highlander
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

Re: Anti-spam guestbook
  • 2005/12/1 10:45

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

A guestbook with anti-spam features can be found here.

It's XF Guestbook 2.30RC2.

I found it by doing a search for "spam guestbook" on this site .

Kind regards, Highlander
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

Re: Server Crash
  • 2005/11/30 15:33

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi Xetox,

You need to check the settings in mainfile.php

good luck, Highlander
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

Re: Notification doesn't work at all
  • 2005/11/29 13:43

  • highlander

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  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

have you tried recreating the notification templates ?

kind regards, Highlander
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Re: How can I change the Web Links sorted by popularity initially?
  • 2005/11/28 18:23

  • highlander

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  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi Doug,

You need to change the template mylinks_index.html to do this.

in the template mylinks_index.html
find the following :
<a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/mylinks/viewcat.php?cid=<{$category.id}>"><img src="<{$category.image}>" height="50" border="0" alt="" />a>

and change to :
<a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/mylinks/viewcat.php?cid=<{$category.id}>&orderby=hitsD"><img src="<{$category.image}>" height="50" border="0" alt="" />a>

and find :
<td valign="top" width="40%"><a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/mylinks/viewcat.php?cid=<{$category.id}>"><b><{$category.title}>b>a>&nbsp;(<{$category.totallink}>)<br /><{$category.subcategories}>td>

and change that to :
<td valign="top" width="40%"><a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/mylinks/viewcat.php?cid=<{$category.id}>&orderby=hitsD"><b><{$category.title}>b>a>&nbsp;(<{$category.totallink}>)<br /><{$category.subcategories}>td>

good luck !

So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

mysql search for 'funny' characters
  • 2005/11/27 11:58

  • highlander

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  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi All,

How would I let MySQL search for words starting with a 'strange' character ?

SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'A%'

returns all the names that start with an A. (duh)

SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'Å%'

returns all the names that start with an Å. (good)

SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'À%'

returns all the names that start with an A. (strange)

Is there a way to get consistent results ? ie seaching for an À should give me an À and not an A ??

Hope someone can point me in the right direction.

greetings Highlander
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

Re: Upgraded from to 2.2.3
  • 2005/11/26 20:23

  • highlander

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  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi Zioncurtain,

I am not sre if a clean install of 2.2.3 is a better option or not; perhaps others are in a better posistion to advise you on that one (I am still running

however in the mesages you posted I can often find something like : ....language//modinfo.php
Which looks like a langauge directory is missing or XOOPS is trying to fins a language with no name. Perhaps you should start your search in this area ?

Hope it helps a little.

kind regards Highlander
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

Re: Menu trouble XOOPS
  • 2005/11/25 13:38

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5

Hi Fizzzot,

this issue has been raised before and you can read all about it in this thread.

greetings Highlander
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

Re: Synchronization - Website and local environment
  • 2005/11/25 13:34

  • highlander

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  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5


I downloaded all files and modified mainfile.php and restored the database file successfully (at least I hope so... )

Hi gerald, looks like there is a problem connecting to the database (as you state) and indedd your solution needs to lie somewhere in mainfile.php

please compare the settings of the mainfile.php which came with xsas (I believe XOOPS 2.0.6) to the new settings. (your new local mainfile is now I believe)

Xsas also comes with phpmyadmin so you can check the database name and such.

Good luck, Highlander
So, I'm in the park wondering why frisbees get larger as they get closer when suddenly, it hits me...

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