Re: Any module requests?
  • 2006/4/26 8:31

  • hyperpod

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I like that idea.

Flash based chats are very usefull...

Thing is, I would want to use the Macromedia Flash Communications Server or ColdFusion which is not exactly open source. (but worth the money)

Doing a flash chat without using flashcom is very hard to do.

file based chat log has many problems.

MySQL Database chat stream with many users is kinda problematic...

SO that has been my rpoblems with doing that project so far...

maybe someone has some good suggestions?

Lets plan this module here in the forum and maybe we can get a few coders on it... I would love to see a flash based chat module as well.

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Any module requests?
  • 2006/4/26 8:27

  • hyperpod

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Funny you should mention that...

Im doing an ecommerce module now which my client wont mind it being open sourced since they can get free upgrades that way :)


The calendar is also a great idea. Ive actually been needing good one as well for awhile now.
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: XRoster 2.2.3a or b
  • 2006/4/26 8:24

  • hyperpod

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Hey that sounds good Biteronboard

encouraging :)

I will make the module available to you for testing.

I have an online demo now at http://www.hyperpod.net


I need to add thumbnails in the profile index and some other things... but im really trying hard to keep it simple and generic so that it can be used for business and hobby

aka (intranets and clan sites)

Thanks for offering to test it!

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: XRoster 2.2.3a or b
  • 2006/4/26 7:43

  • hyperpod

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Yeah, i agree with you 100%.

My dealing with this guy were nothing but trouble.

I am the guy who wrote XRoster 1.0 ... I even named the module. He told me it was just for his site and then paid me a tiny amount to write the code. I happily spent the time for him to do it and mentioned a name for the module.

He then promptly tried to reverse the paypal money after i sent him the code. I was still paid a little for my time but it was pure pain dealing with this moron.

He then went and released the module behind my back before all the bugs were even fixed. then blamed me for the bugs, but didnt want to pay for development time.

Arowana also signed up as other usernames to try and bash my credibility as if several users had a problem with me.
He was caught red handed by the XOOPS admins. what a joke this guy is.

And since then, as you mentioned, he is trying to force donations from people just to get the module code.

I would warn anyone to stay as far away from this punk as possible.

Meanwhile, I have already rewritten a similar module called Profiles where clan site users can post their profile on a XOOPS site. it needs some more time spent, but im proud to say that it will be released for free. pure open source.

I might even make a special version of it called X-Roster 3.0

I think its funny that this subject came up again.

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: How to see users IP address ?
  • 2006/4/26 7:24

  • hyperpod

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well, most people use the access log or a stats package to do that.

Maybe xmmemberstats will work?

Best of luck,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: How to see users IP address ?
  • 2006/4/26 7:12

  • hyperpod

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Well, you can use a stats package if your hosting server has one setup. Most do.

Where do you want to see their IP address?
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

PSP site built on xoops
  • 2006/4/26 6:58

  • hyperpod

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Ive been running a Sony PSP web site on XOOPS for a year now.
It has become wildly successfull with these stats:

(Active Users: 1537 Inactive Users: 890)

which means 2400 users have registered and 1537 actually had a working email address :)

I need to soup it up a little and also wanted to get input of what xoopsers think about the site.

I am working on an image library module to hold PSP wallpapers.

its 95% done, I just need to finish the upload moderation admin and then it will be ready for prime time.

It uses a vastly modified version of WFDownloads to allow people to upload PSP wallpapers/skins/etc...

Check it out >>>> http://www.PSPFocus.com

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Any module requests?
  • 2006/4/26 6:32

  • hyperpod

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I created a Profiles module for this site:


It lets users add a profile for their Rigs

users can post multiple profiles if they have more than one vehicle.

Only the user who posted the profile can edit it.

It has worked extremely well.

Sounds similar to what you need.

Check it out...

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Any module requests?
  • 2006/4/26 6:11

  • hyperpod

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I'm looking to get a XOOPS module project rolling soon and would like to know what the XOOPS community needs.

Let me know if you have a clear need for a module which many community sites could use.

If I like the idea, my team and I may design the module and write the code, especially if its something we could use as well.

Here are some XOOPS module projects we have done and some still in progress:

Xoops Credits - for attributing credits to the web team for the site

Xoops Jukebox MP3 Player - for holding and playing MP3's from the site's community

Xoops Profiles - A great module for having extended profiles. Can also be used for more than just user profiles.

Xoops PhoneBook - Just a little phonebook system where you can store phone numbers for registered user access. This module is meant for a private intranet site and not good for a public internet site.

Xoops Subscriptions - PayPal IPN module for adding subscription based access to your XOOPS site. We have a working version of this, although have not been able to release it for complicated reasons.

We have much experience on developing XOOPS modules.

If you have any ideas or needs, let me know.

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: [Community Request] Take the Challenge!
  • 2005/9/18 21:03

  • hyperpod

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Very well put.

You can just feel the passion for a positive path.

Kudos to JMorris for articulating what I think alot of us would also like to say :)

XOOPSers Unite!
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

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