Yeah, i agree with you 100%.
My dealing with this guy were nothing but trouble.
I am the guy who wrote XRoster 1.0 ... I even named the module. He told me it was just for his site and then paid me a tiny amount to write the code. I happily spent the time for him to do it and mentioned a name for the module.
He then promptly tried to reverse the paypal money after i sent him the code. I was still paid a little for my time but it was pure pain dealing with this moron.
He then went and released the module behind my back before all the bugs were even fixed. then blamed me for the bugs, but didnt want to pay for development time.
Arowana also signed up as other usernames to try and bash my credibility as if several users had a problem with me.
He was caught red handed by the XOOPS admins. what a joke this guy is.
And since then, as you mentioned, he is trying to force donations from people just to get the module code.
I would warn anyone to stay as far away from this punk as possible.
Meanwhile, I have already rewritten a similar module called Profiles where clan site users can post their profile on a XOOPS site. it needs some more time spent, but im proud to say that it will be released for free. pure open source.
I might even make a special version of it called X-Roster 3.0
I think its funny that this subject came up again.
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
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