Re: Is Xoops falling behind??
  • 2004/9/4 4:26

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This "HostingPlans" module has to be a pretty good example of the what a skeleton mod can be.

What would be really cool is if there was a mod that could help you to make mods!

1) (easier) A form that would have the xoops_version.php code sample in a text area, MySQL sample text in another text area, etc with pop ups or overlays (or what ever) to guide you through the important considerations of each
- Then, A) (easier) Display the code that should be in each file. or B) (better) - make the files / compile the package.

2)(Best) A comment-laced form that asks questions, offers relevant options, asks for information, accepts files and personalized variables, offers to make it duplicatable etc, and then builds the package from it.

Something like that would really need to be the pet of a modder with god status, but it seems as though it would be possible.

I'll bet that the vast majority of people that use XOOPS are very similar in regards to working with lots of the other worthy Sourceforge projects and commercial PHP and CGI but never coding their own, - Just finding the code that calls what they want and making it their own.

PS. - I know that I downloaded a sample / empty skeleton module offered on a site that I was at, I'll try to find the references.

Re: Istats templates hacked
  • 2004/9/3 15:52

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Hi JMass, I must be missing the obvious here but I get only a broken, unformatted page when ever I go to my istats.

- As if I'm missing a configuration address.
My links are addressed to: (myaddress)/modules/istats/_PHP_SELF?action=2

You state in the install.txt that the footer code must be added as well.
<{if $xoops_isadmin != 1}>


I have a very customized footer and I'm assuming that the footer code that's important in there is the above but when I put it in there, the statement prints out on the footer of the site.

I'm betting that my foopa here is probably obviouse to you.

Thanks for any help?

Comments appreciated.

HowTo import mambo themes
  • 2004/9/3 14:22

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There are hundreds of really great Mambo themes out there!

This is VERY valuable!!

- And from the looks of it, suprizingly easy!!

Heck yea!!

Re: Web Hosting module
  • 2004/9/3 12:45

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You guys are really on the money here!

Don't stray to far from from the hostingplans mod that your on to though, it's really a great thing you've got here!

By placing the admin on this you'll be building the end answer to dozens if not hundreds of threads dedicated to a simple PayPal module!

PHPCOIN is a great, full featured solution and would be awesome as an API, hopefully helping to relive it's rather drab default flow. It's really a wholly different solution though and what you have going on here and this hostingplans mod is as fantastic in it's simplicity as it is in it's useflness!!

- While the original mod (with the colors) looked like a train wreck in my site (way too wide and broken up), ChadK's posted code looks great!

- Beautiful!
You're on to someting super cool here!

Re: NEWS module *Clone
  • 2004/9/3 11:28

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For different topics worthy of their own button on the main menu and keeping un-related topics in their own format with the possiblity of a different layout and banner set while keeping the maintenance easy and not being bound to the same general options like commenting, columns and format.

NEWS module *Clone
  • 2004/9/3 8:20

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I've seen that atleast some Xoops!people have made clones of the NEWS module. - Has anyone offered a cloned or cloneable version of NEWS to Xoops!?

- A cloneable (Duplicatable) NEWS version packaged like the clonable version of TinyContent would be a very valuable!

Infact, it would be really be nice if the standard process for packaging mods included cloning considerations.

Re: cookbook recipe maker
  • 2004/9/3 5:35

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This setup looks perfect, is anyone working on this?

Re: How to get articles to display nicley!
  • 2004/9/3 4:53

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I updated this module, set the columns to 2, did a search in the CSS for the color code and changed it to my color, dropped in my own friend and print.gifs and it's fricken perfect!

The only thing I'm loven lately more than Xoops! is the people it attracts!

Thanks guys!

Re: How to get articles to display nicley!
  • 2004/9/3 3:48

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This is interesting, this Forum post by Mr. Wizard (Mithrandir) refers to a very nicely done site (unfinished as yet), xoops.web-udvikling.dk who has his (/her) news laid out in an a nice, 2-collom format.

Mithrandir says that it's the "column" setting in the module preferences, but I don't see any column options in - the General Configuration options (which is where the module preferences link goes to). ??

- The standard NEWS module does seem to be the ticket though for simple, organized references.

Still, how do you get this 2 column look and how do you remove and or re-position these automatically added Elements such as the post date, read count, byte size and comments?

I looked through the templates under the news module and it only displayes these codes in the page - "<{if $displaynav == true}>, <{/if}> <{section name=i loop=$stories}> <{include file="db:news_item.html" story=$stories[i]}>
<{include file='db:system_notification_select.html'}>

- So, nothing obvious like %%post_date%% etc...

Re: News Horizontal
  • 2004/9/3 2:21

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Humm, I don't see anything refurring to colloms in my news module / prefferences.

UPDATE: - Wrong NEWS version (old!)

The New version can be downloaded HERE

I updated this module, set the collumns to 2, did a search in the CSS for the color code and changed it to my color, dropped in my own friend and print.gifs and it's fricken perfect!

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