Hypadi, how to install it? Like any other theme, there is no additional oparation.
I have tested this theme with IE6, Mozilla firebird (on 10-15 Xoops2.0.6 installation)and didn't find problems..
I find good install. instruction from Paul D.(
http://www.scds.com.au) :
1. Upload the theme folder to the themes directory on your server. Make sure you upload the correct folder.
*NOTE :: The correct folder is the folder that contains the "theme.html" file, look inside the folder you are uploading and make sure its the correct folder, an extra folder may be created in the unzipping process, so CHECK!!
2. Go to administration >> system >> preferences>> general and set the new theme as default.
3. Erase all files in template_c folder and refresh your browser.
(check permission on theme files,you can chmod all files to 775)