TinyMCE for 2.2 ?
  • 2008/7/3 16:01

  • n01un0

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  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

Is TinyMCE compat with 2.2 ? I read a simple install instruction here and it said to edit the formdhtmltextarea.php file but mine was completely different wich lead me to believe it was for 2.0 only. Any other suggestions on a SIMPLE (but with a few advanced features) editor for 2.2?

2.0 to 2.2 Admin Hack?
  • 2008/7/3 15:45

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

Is there a hack out there anywhere that can make the admin section of 2.0 look and act like 2.2? I have always used the 2.2 branch on all of my sites because I do not like the admin (mainly the blocks section) of the 2.0 branch. Unfortunately, everyone seems to forget 2.2 on modules and I always run into functionality issues because of it. I need to create another site and was thinking of going with the 2.0 until the 2.3 is ready for production use but wanted to know if there was a hack or something I can do to get what I want.

Thanks as always to the community for your help!

Module Update Notification
  • 2008/7/1 12:58

  • n01un0

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  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

I was just curious if there was anything in the works for the new XOOPS in regards to module update notification where you can be notified somehow that a newer version of an installed module is availble to upgrade. Not sure if this is even possible but thought I'd ask. It's a bit cumbersome tracking down new versions of modules from different sites other than just XOOPS in order to stay up to date and was looking for a easier (lazy) way out, lol. I'm guessing no, but was worth a shot.

Re: Offering 15$ for help with simple module
  • 2008/7/1 12:49

  • n01un0

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  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

A whole $15 bucks........Better call my banker and accountant. Does the FDIC cover that much? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Xoopit ??
  • 2008/6/19 13:11

  • n01un0

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I'm guessing this site has nothing to do with Xoops. Seems like a copywrite issue to me but what do I know, LOL.

Spreadsheet Module?
  • 2008/4/28 14:42

  • n01un0

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  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

I am in need of a module to display Excel spreadsheets and the option be viewable by all and also able to edit them on the fly with group permissions. I need to allow one of my members to manually update a spreadsheet that we currently use to track information. I know that in Excel, I can save the workbook as a webpage and also make it editable/interactive. My problem with this is, anyone can edit it. Is there a module out somewhere that I may have overlooked that can display and provide appropriate permissions for Excel & Spreadsheets??

Thanks in advance

Re: PHP Coder Needed
  • 2008/4/8 14:19

  • n01un0

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  • Posts: 253

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PHP Coder Needed
  • 2008/3/25 20:06

  • n01un0

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  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

I am in need of a PHP Coder that will work CHEAP (if there is such a thing, lol). I have a crapy poorly written game script that I would like rewritten completely and if possible, converted into a XOOPS module. If anyone is interested or knows someone, please msg me direct for further details.

You can use the email in my profile or use larryluv at gmail dot com

Thanks in advance!

Re: Converting a PHP script to a Xoops Module?
  • 2008/1/27 20:36

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

The OP was walking about a gaming script - gamming is something totally different...

You completely lost me on that whole sentance, lol. Not sure what your refering to.

Anyway, my game is a text-based MMORPG game if that helps.

Re: Converting a PHP script to a Xoops Module?
  • 2008/1/27 15:54

  • n01un0

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 253

  • Since: 2005/10/9

and or not legal to own in the United states if your host/server is located in the United States.

I did not know this. What is not legal and where can I find information on this. Its the first I've heard of it and want to make sure its ok before proceeding.

I have googled all I can and connot find any information on the legality of it in the US.

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