ERROR: Could not connect to the forums database.
  • 2005/11/10 23:40

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

I'm mystified by this error message. I have three categories, each with empty forums. From the index page I can't connect to an empty forum let alone attempt to create a topic. This is regardless of my user group or whether I am a moderator. Even as webmaster I can't connect.

On one forum the moderator has somehow managed to create a topic and I can transfer to that and from there I can create new topics or reply to the existing one. Other than that I'm locked out.

I notice from another thread about a similar problem that template corruption may be an issue but it remains after I rebuild them. I have also stepped through the permissions thing and feel that I've got it right but would appreciate detiled advice on this.
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: combining updates?
  • 2005/10/31 1:15

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

If the patches consist of just straight replacements for existing files why would this not work? In other cases such as SQL updates there's obviously an interaction of sorts going on but I would have thought that any upgrade without an install or upgrade directory would be OK to combine. Or is my thinking to simplistic??

Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: Can't get into admin after transferring site
  • 2005/3/2 23:12

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

OK, now I'm getting desperate. I've done the SQL dump and load thing between my machine and the host machine more times than I can count and the result is the same everytime. I can logon as registered user or the administrator and rock around the interface without a problem. Everythng works as expected. But when I try to go into the Administration section I get rebuffed (no right of access).

I thought that it may be due to platform differences (MacOSX vs Linux) or version differences (PHP 5.0 versus 4.1) but even if that's true I don't know how to resolve that either.

I've even fiddled with the settings in mainfile.php with no discernible improvement. I'm guessing that there is some test that is being failed. In php debug mode I get this warning when I login that I don't get on my test machine:
Warning [PHP]: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /var/www/html/mainfile.php:1) in file include/common.php line 185

And when I attempt to transfer to the Administration Section I get this:

Warning [PHP]: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/mainfile.php:1) in file include/common.php line 185

Warning [PHP]: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /var/www/html/mainfile.php:1) in file include/common.php line 185

Doesn't anyone have experience of this problem and how to resolve it?

Re: Can't get into admin after transferring site
  • 2005/3/1 23:11

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21


hyperpod wrote:
Did you also edit the mainfile.php in the root dir ?

Yes, I did.

Can't get into admin after transferring site
  • 2005/3/1 14:23

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

I've just transferred a XOOPS site from my personal machine to my webhost and now can't get access to adminstrator functions. Since I had full access with the same data set locally I assumed its a permissions thing on the server machine and have a done a coarse-grain search and correct but short of going through the entire site file by file am clueless how to resolve this.

Transfer details; ftp site to webhost. Dump sql and then upload into host.
home page comes up fine and can login as administrator and view all pages but attempting to enter the administration section am rebuffed by dialog saying that I have no rights to enter there. No other user with similar privileges can access either.

Any thoughts appreciated.


Re:getting hidden fields to accept default values
  • 2004/11/8 1:23

  • lucidlee

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  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

Bump. Am I asking for too much help?

Re:getting hidden fields to accept default values
  • 2004/11/4 1:18

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

OK my intention with the modifications to the mydownloads module are that my users can select a file from there own machine via their local file browser and that this file is transparently uploaded to the server location without them needing to specify the URL. So I've incorporated code from mydl_fileup100 that supplies the file browser, hidden the line that asks for the URL and replaced the default value of "http://" with a hard coded URL as described above.

FWIW I've now located the source of the Error 1016 also described above:
[b]from [i]mydownloads/submit.php[/i][/b]
// Check if URL exist
if (($HTTP_POST_VARS["url"]) || ($HTTP_POST_VARS["url"]!="")) {
$url $HTTP_POST_VARS["url"];
// Add start by bluemooninc.biz
$upfile      $_FILES['upfile'];                //upload file object 
$upfile_tmp  $_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'];   //tmp file name 
$upfile_name $_FILES['upfile']['name'];        //Local File Name 
$upfile_size $_FILES['upfile']['size'];       //File Size
$upfile_type $_FILES['upfile']['type'];       //File MIME Content-Type
if ($upfile_tmp != "" && ( is_object($xoopsUser) || GUEST_UPLOAD==1) ){
        if (
eregi($subtype$upfile_type)){ $deny=0; } else { $deny=1; };
$ext strtolower(end(explode(".",$upfile_name))); 
        if (
eregi($viri$ext)) $deny 1;
        if (
$deny==0) {
$upfile_localname $upfile_name;
$upfile_url=XOOPS_URL.UPLOADS.rawurlencode($upfile_localname);    // XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL.
$upfile_localname cnv_mbstr($upfile_localname);        // convert for mbstrings
$url $upfile_url;
        } else {
$url "";
// Add end
if ($url=="") {

Now, while I understand what its trying to do I'm really stretched to understand what the detail of it means. Some seems redundant but I'm no programmer of any language, let alone php.

Re:getting hidden fields to accept default values
  • 2004/11/3 23:48

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

Well that didn't work
When I check the source in the browser it seems the URL is there except the filename is not appended. I guess the filename is not available until its uploaded and the SQL Update funtion is performed. So which file holds the code that does that?

getting hidden fields to accept default values
  • 2004/11/3 14:19

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

i've worked over "mydownloads_submit_html so that the url field is hidden and also has a default value.
[b]Old version[/b]<input type="text" name="url" size="50" maxlength="250" value="http://" />

[b]Customised version [/b]
input type="hidden" name="url" size="50" maxlength="250" value="http://.../xoops/uploads/<{$upfile}>" />

Now the submission returns:" "Error Code: 1016 - ERROR: Please enter value for URL." instead of the correct url.

How to fix?

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