combining updates?
  • 2005/10/29 15:55

  • boss_hog

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2005/6/11

Hi yall,
I would like opinions or input if it would be safe to combine the 2 updates into one?
Take and "merged" and apply them as one update.
Yes I know, the updates should be applied as they are released. The road to updates has always had some "potholes" that I try to avoid!

Re: combining updates?
  • 2005/10/29 16:51

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

Just speaking from experience here, but I've seen times where this will work, and times when it will not. If you have a local copy of your site to test on, that would be the best way to go. If not, I recommend that you apply the patches in order, one at a time.

Of course, I strongly recommend backing up your site before trying anything.

Best Regards,

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Re: combining updates?
  • 2005/10/31 1:15

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

If the patches consist of just straight replacements for existing files why would this not work? In other cases such as SQL updates there's obviously an interaction of sorts going on but I would have thought that any upgrade without an install or upgrade directory would be OK to combine. Or is my thinking to simplistic??

Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: combining updates?
  • 2005/10/31 4:58

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

Well, to be completely honest with you, since I'm not a php programer, I don't know all the nitty gritty details of how it all works. What I do know from personal experience is, that sometimes, combining updates can result in a blank white screen whereas, applying the patches in order does not.

Best Regards,

Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

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