yes, a low-priority addon that i intend for the mapcentral network, is a module that will allow users to manage their own html 'page', with support for file and image management.
i would like to tie this in with the wfdownloads module, so that my users' files will be added into the downloads system, but again, this is a lower priority project that is having to wait behind xphpbbi (phpbb port), multisites, and then a few specific modifications that i need to make to my mapcentral sites.
btw, the project for that module is called xUserHomePages over at dev.xoops.org, it's being tailored after the user home pages module for mambo (well, the idea is from there mainly, but i'm not a fan of their implementation)
the multisite mod is very useful, in that i've been able to share all of my modules across all sites, especially the forums. i modified the downloads module so that i can specify downloads to display on a single site *or* all sites (by category and/or individual download). i will be making the same modification to AMS (Article Management System - based on the news 1.2 module) as well.
once i get this work done, i will be releasing a package of my modified version of XOOPS (2.0.9 beta), along with my modified modules (AMS, wf-downloads, etc), which will include bugfixes and customizations.
really, i wouldn't try using the multisites modification from the patch tracker, unless you're a programmer with a good eye. like i said, there's things that i've fixed, improved, changed about the modification since implementing it with my own sites, and when i release this package, it will operate quite a bit different from it's origin.
as for getting multisites running across multiple accts on the same server, the only thing that really matters is that you can access the MySQL server from both accounts. if you have separate MySQL logins, that may cause problems (this modification isn't tailored around multiple separate MySQL accounts, if you need that, i'd suggest getting the subsites modification that was released by someone else much earlier this year. it's in the news somewhere.
keep in mind, if you plan on using my package when i release it, it will prevent you from upgrading easily to later versions of xoops, and you'll essentially be reliant on myself or other contributors keeping the package up-to-date (that's one problem that users ran into with pbboard from bbpixel, since it modified xoops, they had to wait on a new release from bbpixel to be able to upgrade to the next version of xoops).