Re: Opening tinycontent pages in a frame?
  • 2004/3/15 0:20

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hey, I think I figured it out!

I modified the theme "Legend", created by Christian Gundersson | http://www.gundersson.com, to only display the contents of the center block.

The code that goes in the section of the file theme.html looks like this:

<{if $xoops_showcblock == 1}>
<{include file="legend/centerblocks.html"}>


I'm not a coder btw, so there may be a better way to do it then this. This seems to only display the contents of my tinycontent pages in the main frame of my frames bases site, and not the side menu or header etc.

Good luck!


Opening tinycontent pages in a frame?
  • 2004/3/14 4:10

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hey everybody,

I would like to know if the following can be done with Xoops:

1. Do a normal install of Xoops, including using the Tinycontent module.
2. Then build a frames based web site, with a navigational menu on the side.
3. Link the menu items in this side frame with pages that have been created in the tinycontent module.
4. Have these tinycontent pages open up in the main content frame of the site, when their link is clicked in the side menu.

Essentially, I want to know if I can open up tinycontent pages in a frames based web site...just opening up these pages, without the main menu or XOOPS header etc. appearing.

To do this, do I have to edit the theme to only display the page contents? (and not the user menu etc.) How?

And is there a conflict when there is an index.html and index.php page in the root directory? Should and can XOOPS be installed in a sub-directory, with just the html frames pages residing in the root directory?

If the above arrangement could be done, it would be great..it would allow me to more easily customise the look and feel of the site, yet link to the back-end of tinycontent pages, which allow my clients to do small changes to the site in the future..



Re: How to hack back into site?!?
  • 2004/3/9 21:54

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Thanks svaha! You saved my site!

I thought I was going to have to do a clean install...instead I just deleted the contents of the templates_c directory,except for the index file, and was able to log back in that way. The admin interface had the same message you get at start-up ("this is your first time logging in as an Admin"), but after going through that everything was fine. In Admin>Preferences section, I changed my theme, as that was what had seemed to be corrupted.

Thanks again everybody for answering...will let you know when my own site is ready!


How to hack back into site?!?
  • 2004/3/9 4:20

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hi there,

Well, I really $%^@#&! my site! Now all I get is blank pages everywhere...I can't login, I can't access the admin page etc. I think it got messed up when I was in the Admin>Preferences section, and I changed the "update from module template" option back to "no" (it had been on "yes" and was working fine).

How do I hack back into the admin section of my site to change the above option back to "yes"? Is there a utility script for XOOPS like there is for postnuke? (called the "swiss army knife").

Any ideas you have would be most appreciated! Otherwise, what should I do to save all the data on my site... (for a clean install)..back up the module, theme folders etc?



Re: Hacking the Soapbox new articles block?
  • 2004/2/28 8:53

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

that's great news, I can't wait to see your hack!



Hacking the Soapbox new articles block?
  • 2004/2/27 6:25

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hey there,

Does anyone know how to hack the Soapbox New Articles block, so that it only shows the articles submitted in one particular news column? I did peek under the hood myself, but it's over my head!



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