Displaying Smartprofile results in Ajax tabs
  • 2007/2/7 15:10

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hi everyone,

I am a bit stumped on how to display Smartprofile module data in a ajax tabbed format. I am working with this code for ajax tabs which I downloaded from:


If you are looking for an ajax tab navigation system, this is actually pretty easy to use/understand/modify.

The part of the code for this tab system, where you call the pages that will be loaded in the content area for each tab, looks like this:

<ul id="maintab" class="shadetabs">
<a href="external4.htm" rel="ajaxcontentarea">Request Quote </a>

So, as you can see, the page being called to display in the ajax tab is just being linked to in a regular manner ("external4.htm").

Now, what I want to do, is to display the different categories of information that are displayed in the Smartprofile module, each on a separate ajax tab. In the module, you can define different categories for all the data fields on the input form. I want each section to be dynamically displayed each on it's own ajax tab.

How do I link to each section of the Smartprfile user page?

Here is the template code for the "userinfo.php" page of the module, where the profile data is displayed.

(I removed the code at the start of the template that does not have to do with the display of form field data...)

<{counter assign=catcount print=false}>
<{foreach item=category from=$categories}>
<{if isset($category.fields)}>
<div style="width: 100%; float: center; padding: 0px 5px 10px 0px;<{if $catcount % 2 == 0}> clear: left;<{/if}>">

<table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" class="outer">
<th align="center"><{$category.cat_title}></th>
<{foreach item=field from=$category.fields}>
<td class="head"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<td width="20%"><{$field.title}></td>
<td width="80%"><{$field.value}></td>

(I removed some more code here which does not have to do with the form field display either...)

How do link to only one category of all the categories displayed on this page, so I can show that category on it's own ajax tab?

Thanks for your input!


Re: Personal page- catads v1.4
  • 2007/2/5 2:39

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

can you show us an example of these changes, or where you have done this? I am very interested in seeing how this might work!



Re: What is a hack for anonymous users to see modules?
  • 2007/2/2 15:59

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

One thing that isn't always clear with XOOPS is that you both have to set group permissions in each module's admin section (so, whether or not Anonymous can see the module etc.), but you also have to do so in the group management area, of the system admin section (under System Admin, the Groups). Here you would select the Anonymous group, and make sure that they have access to all the blocks and modules that you want them to.

Re: contact form: is there one that works?
  • 2007/2/1 2:23

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

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  • Since: 2004/2/22

liase does work with 2.0.16, but you have to use the older version... the latest release is for the 2.2 branch...

for 2.0.16, you have to use this one:


(make sure you have Frameworks installed as well)

Re: Article Module vs. Xpress (Wordpress for XOOPS)
  • 2007/1/31 17:59

  • jeffgr

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  • Posts: 263

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I think you hit the nail on the head...when you said that you need to play around with each module more in order to get a better feel for what features each has to offer, and what the experience is like in using each. I can tell you that there are other things to consider as well, such as, who is going to be using the blog in the end. If I or someone else who is very familiar with web design was going to be using the blog, I would install the WordPress module in Xoops, and use that. However, if this blog is destined for a client, who might not be so technically inclined, I would might use the Article module... as it can be customised (on the admin side) to be more user-friendly, more easily. I once created a blog for someone using XOOPS & the Xpress module...and I ended having to redo the site (in just Wordpress, not the Xpress module, but the standalone sofware), as it was too confusing for the client in the end. Not that the WordPress back-end was confusing itself, but the fact that there were two back-end admin sections...one for Xoops, and one for XPress... it was overwhelming for this person, and very confusing. As well, there is a bug that occurs sometimes where, you first have to be logged into XOOPS to access the Xpress module, but sometimes it forces you to login through the Xpress admin as well (dual logins). Or, it boots you out of one admin section or the other...and the person has to keep logging in. We might be able to figure it out, or chock it up to a minor and occasional annoyance, but to a client it means that site is "broken", and I can understand that viewpoint.

WordPress does have a huge community of plugins and themes that you can use however... so that is another bonus over the Article module, if you need those features. If not, then it's not really relevant.

If you just want to have a blog, that isn't nessesarily connected to the rest of your site, you can still pull the content from WordPress to appear in a XOOPS block.

I hope my ramblings make some sense?


xoops tag 1.6 and news 1.5... how?
  • 2007/1/30 21:32

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hi everyone,

I'm at a total loss for this one... I am having alot of trouble modifying the various news files that need to be modified for it to work/interface with the XOOPS tag module. Has anyone posted these modified files anywhere, or, failing that, is there a thread on this somewhere that I missed? (I looked,but couldn't find one...).

Thanks for your help,


Re: Suggestions of enhancements for Catads
  • 2007/1/30 13:43

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hi everyone,

I am very excited that development will continue on this module...as it is one of the most popular sections on one of my sites, which is "www. myottawa .ca/modules/catads/".

"Thecat", if you are reading this, thank you very much for the work you have done so far!

Here is a list enhancements that I would personally like to see to this module:

(I may be repeating what posters above me have already said...)

Essential Enhancements:

1. One image thumbnail displayed beside each ad. You can click the thumbnail to visit the actual ad page.

2. Users allowed to upload multiple images, and can select which one appears as the main thumbnail beside the ad on the index page.

3. User defineable fields and field names, again per category.

4. RSS feeds for each ad category, or all the ads together.

5. multi-page navigation at the bottom of the page, including on the "latest ads" block or page.

5. ability to separate commercial/from non-commerical sellers

6. a "my ads" page, where ads are listed with thumbnails...sort of like your own mini-store...i know your ads are already listed on your profile page, but this would keep these results separate, so if you are selling alot of things, you can say, hey check out my "my store" page

(like at this site: www. usedottawa .com/FormNewMyLists

7. allow users to modify Duration of posted ads

8. On the admin side, it would be nice if, when looking at the list of the latest ads, I could select the ads I want to delete with a checkbox, and then delete them all at once. This way I don't have to go through the deletion process for each ad. As well, if you could make it so that the user name is displayed beside each ad in the admin section, this would be helpful as well. Why? Because I get about 20 spam ads a day... and not only do I want to delete the actual ad, but I also want to delete the user as well. If I can see the user names beside the ad in the admin section, I can just write down the names, rather then having to click on each ad to see who posted it, before I delete it.

Note: many of the features that I am looking for can be seen at this site:

www. usedottawa .com/

This is a very successful site in my area, because it has been made in such a way so that it is extremely easy to add, modify, or delete your ads.

I look forward to seeing any of these enhancements made to the catads module. As I have stated before, I am willing to make a small donation to the module developer to thank him for this work. I encourage others to do so as well.

Re: different theme in the home page
  • 2007/1/24 12:09

  • jeffgr

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yes, you can do this... install the "theme changer" module... then set one theme for the home page, and other themes for the rest of your site.

You may have to set one module as being the default for your homepage in order to do this.


Remove module from modules folder?
  • 2007/1/23 2:05

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hi there,

I want to change my site so that you no longer see:


but rather, I want something like this:


(I am not interested in a mod_rewrite solution here, I actually want to move the files found in the module's folder to another, higher-level folder that I create, like in the example above.

I imagine that this process is akin to cloning a module... but does anyone have any specific hints on any other system files that I will have to change? Or where this might cause me errors in the future?



Re: Questions about using Zen Cart module
  • 2007/1/14 19:09

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

I agree, it does seem like the development on this module is dead/or has slowed... which is a shame, as it is a great cart system.

I am going to try and integrate the latest core files of Zen Cart 3.8 into the module... I just wish I knew which files were modified before.

Will post here shortly with any results I get.

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