Re: xlanguage module
  • 2007/4/27 17:03

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

I followed these instructions from the readme inside the module and it's working good. Maybe there is a part of the instructions you might have skipped?

User guide
1 install "xlanguage" as a regular module

2 insert one line into XOOPS/include/common.php

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/xlanguage/api.php';


// #################### Include site-wide lang file ##################
if ( file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/language/".$xoopsConfig['language']."/global.php") ) {
        } else {

3 modify language/LocalLanguage/global.php, take "schinese" as example
//%%%%%        LANGUAGE SPECIFIC SETTINGS   %%%%%
    //define('_CHARSET', 'GB2312');
    //define('_LANGCODE', 'zh-CN');
define('_CHARSET', empty($xlanguage["charset"])?'GB2312':$xlanguage["charset"]);
define('_LANGCODE', empty($xlanguage["code"])?'zh-CN':$xlanguage["code"]);
$xlanguage['charset_base'] = "gb2312";

4 select basic langauges (from an available language list) and add extended languages (upon a selected basic language) from module admin page for instance, to make language switch between: English, Simplified Chinese (gb2312), Traditional Chinese (big5) and UTF-8 Chinese:
base 1: name: english; description(optional): English; charset: iso-8859-1; code: en (or anyother like "xen", not a true language code, just the tag for indicating English content)
base 2: name: schinese; description(optional): Simplified Chinese; charset: gb2312; code: zh (or anyother like "sc", not a true language code, just the tag for indicating Chinese content)
extended lang of schinese 1: name: tchinese; description(optional): Traditional Chinese; charset: big5 code: zh-TW (the true language code of Traditional Chinese) base: schinese
extended lang of schinese 2: name: utf8; description(optional): Simplified Chinese UTF-8; charset: utf-8 code: zh-CN (the true language code of Simplified Chinese) base: schinese

5 make the block "langauge selection" visible

6 add multilingual content with according tags sepcified for each base language (in step 4) to your modules, templates or themes[Skip this step if you do not use multi-language content display but only use charset encoding]:
wrap content of each language with respective tag specified in step 4:
[langcode1]Content of the language1[/langcode1] [langcode2]Content of the language2[/langcode2] [langcode3]Content of the language3[/langcode3] ...
if two or more languages have same content, you do not need add them one by one but use delimiter "|":
[langcode1|langcode2]Content shared by language1&2[/langcode1|langcode2] [langcode3]Content of the language3[/langcode3] ...
a true example (suppose the lang_codes specified in step 4 are: English-en; French-fr; SimplifiedChiense-sc):
[en]My XOOPS[/en][fr]Moi XOOPS[/fr][sc]ÎÒµÄXOOPS[/sc]
[english|french]This is my content in English and French[/english|french][schinese]ÖÐÎÄÄÚÈÝ[/schinese]

Re: Morphogenesis/user.php style (TEXT COLOR) help needed...
  • 2007/4/26 2:46

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

I think you can't find them because they don't exist and aren't defined in the stylesheets. You'd need to identify the template being used there and apply a style to them.

Re: Wiwimod 0.8.6
  • 2007/4/25 21:23

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

Skenow, thanks! that's exactly what I was looking for.

Javesey, well I went to the link Skenow gave and Giba and Javier work together on the Wiwimod. They seemed to have a misunderstanding before but apparently if I am not wrong, they are one working team: see here

[edit] mmm at that link wiwi 086 is not there. I will give a try to the 086 version found at the comments of this article:
since it seems Giba and Javier will merge their works.

Giba, if your around, will upgrades from 0.8.6 to newer versions be possible?

Re: Documentation site now open
  • 2007/4/25 20:19

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

Thank you much for the support and help you are all giving into the project. I'm still sorting some things out and will keep you all updated of when the workspace get's opened.

Wiwimod 0.8.6
  • 2007/4/25 20:13

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

Been looking all over for Wiwimod version 0.8.6 but can't find a final version of it. Giba recommended it to me for the wiki and I want to try it.

I am using 0.8.3 and want to upgrade to see if solves the problem I'm getting with phppp's XLanguage

Anybody know where I can get it?

I looked in Brasil an found this thread

In XOOPS search I found this news article

Is the final one the beta 0.8.6 named in the comments of that news article?

Re: Documentation site now open
  • 2007/4/24 21:45

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

I'll move further on with the project (xoopswiki), along the process am open to suggestions, also I wouldn't want to be the only admin there I want at least 2 trustfull people to manage the forums and keep things under control and have them recieve a daily a backup of the site. I propose David and he has accepted.

I know other people like Jen and Giba have been very dedicated to the docs, contact me if you want to be part of the admins of this, who receive the daily backups and participate of the structural organization and moderation of the site. Am open to other candidates also. I'd be the main webmaster of the site, handling the hosting and other administrative tasks but at the moment I see I cannot for some reason handle this no longer I'd delegate my role to one of the admins and avoid any risk of having the information lost.

The site as soon as I leave the setup of the structure, will be open for all the XOOPS community to use under an open source spirit, so there'll be no problems with importing and exporting of content as long as the docs are treated with the deserved respect of open source, the credits of each doc maintained and are exclusively XOOPS docs.

Re: Documentation site now open
  • 2007/4/24 17:51

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

I have a few things to say so I'll divide it into parts. (please read Giba's previous post on page 2 first)

Part 1

I think this is the moment I should talk about the projections I have/had in mind to keep things clear and open to everyone.

After having spent many months with the docs at xoopsdocs lost, I got very disappointed, since one of the reasons of the building of the demo site is to leave a platform ready to test modules and create a standard documentation of modules. So in January I started making plans of reconstructing a wiki workspace and took the decision to register www.xoopswiki.org

Objective of the site is:

- Be a XOOPS only documentation center with a workspace for building documentation through a wiki.
- Have the site open to the international XOOPS community maintaining it as multilanguage possible.

The need to have this grew seeing the needs of the community and that the wiki that once existed is much missed.

Part 2

Today I am shown by Giba the work being done at helpxoops.info with their wiki, it is not a site I frequent much and did not know there was a process started there. I don't know their goal with this wiki either. Giba invited me to helpxoops.info to talk about this but I think the place to discuss things that concern XOOPS should be here at xoops.org.

My intentions are not to create competition in between wiki's, it started as a personal project many months ago and something I want to give to XOOPS to reactivate documentation and working teams.

Part 3
So there are two wikis now, one at helpxoops.info and the other one still being built at xoopswiki.org.

As to not create fragmentation and duplication of work. How can these 2 wikis complement each other? Are there reasons for me to continue working on xoopswiki.org?

Personally I'd like to continue with it because it's focused as a XOOPS only center that reunites and creates documentation in most languages possible for xoops. Yet if this will produce fragmentation and duplication of an existing project I will desist and erase the site. My least intentions are to create conflict. I just want to know how we can focus all our working energies in one place.

Re: is it time for a lead project manager?
  • 2007/4/23 23:59

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

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  • Since: 2003/7/23

as for communication, I think maybe time to revive the news team.

I have spoken with Ladysham & Tom with respect to News, and both are willing to participate in that area, with Ladysham in particular reviving the WOX newsletter.

Tom has some interesting ideas also, and in particular this will involve writing some news articles related to development, and i'm thinking that the news team should be the community team that should be responsible for posting of news (both community wise and development wise) in essence they will be gathering the information from the devs, and then presenting the information to the community.

it's open for discussion, as well as the news team being open for members to join.

Great! looking forward to that.

Re: Repository: Rules discussion
  • 2007/4/23 16:46

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

a few points of view...

ref #9

- naming convention: rules for naming a XOOPS module mod_x2.0/2/3/all_name_version.ext
- module structure: the downloaded archive extracts to htdocs/modules/modulename folder (similar to the XOOPS core distro), including a docs/ folder and the full paths to the module folder
- versioning: in the repository, please use one entry per module, not per module version. This means updating a module entry when a newer version is released.
- language files: added to the module package (high maintenance) or as separate downloads (where?)

And these:
- reviews of modules (each month a new module review?)
- tested or not
- central download location or decentralised
- module packs

Naming convention and file structure of the zip: let the authors decide how they want it, there's already tons of modules in final stages without this and I find it kind of hard for the developers to go back and repackage them.

(it doesn't mean it would be wrong to do this or that things can't be changed, just a another opinion)

Reviews: maybe the news team can help with this
Testing: As long as the modules don't make big hacks to the core they will be available for testing at the demo site, this could be a good playground for testing.
Central download location or decentralised: it's the decision of the author where he wants his work to be downloaded from.
Module packs: David was interested in doing something like this, maybe he's interested in retaking this category in addons, but there most be a great control of keeping them updated.
Language files: maybe create a new category for this?

License: does that really have to be mandatory?

ref #21

I think modules that do not state XOOPS version, PHP and MySQL version and a PHP 'register_globals' setting should carry a warning in big red letters until someone (ideally the developer) has clarified exactly what is needed to make their module work. I am confident this would save thousands of unneccessary forum posts.

I'm concerned about the descriptions, like those modules that work only with PHP5 and other more technical stuff, that only the module author knows well about and that the people who are writing the descriptions might not be aware about this.

Finding the right place for the alpha's, and the un-supported modules would be good to discuss more. If left as news articles they risk of being left forgotten when someone might be interested in retaking them.

Do you have any special plans for theme submissions?

Re: Contact module ??
  • 2007/4/23 4:38

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

I'm not 100% sure but I think there shouldn't be problems with liaise 1.26 < see here >

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