Xmdoc version 1.2 Final Released
  • 2021/3/30 19:54

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1


We are happy to announce the release of version 1.2 of the module xmdoc.

This version brings 2 major new features:

- Addition of a system allowing to force the download
- Categories now have a color.

The complete list:

Version: 1.2 Final
Date: 30.03.2021
Bug fixes:
- In some cases, documents were not displayed when creating an item.
- The error message when removing the link from a document was not displayed.
- If several categories were selected when editing blocks, they were no longer selected when editing the block again.

- Addition of a system allowing to force the download (only the files on the site will be forced).
- By default the option to rename documents (in categories) is set to false.
- Documents with the "rename documents" category option set to false have a suffix added so as not to overwrite a document with the same name.
- The name of the document is reconstructed when downloading.
- Categories now have a color.
- The names of the categories in the administration (list view) now have a link which allows direct access to the category on the user side.
- The names of the documents in the administration (list view) now have a link which allows direct access to the document on the user side (only if the modal display is not used).
- Compatibility with PHP 8.

- The message under the about heading regarding file protection is now revised, with the new system that forces a .htaccess download with "Deny From All" to work.
- Change from index.html to index.php

Xmdoc on http://www.monxoops.fr

xmcontent 1.5 Final Released
  • 2021/3/14 21:59

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1


We are happy to announce the release of version 1.5 of the module xmcontent.

This version brings 2 major new features:

- Modification of the content from the user part
- Possibility to include a page in another

The complete list:

Version: 1.5 Final
Date: 14.03.2021
Bug fixes:
- The search ignored permissions.
- Tempaltes encoding problem.
- Fixed an error with xmdoc.
- Fixed an error with the content filter (admin).

- Code optimization.
- Better integration of XMF.
- Added modification permission.
- The content is now editable from the user part.
- PHP8 compatibility.
- Integration of xmsocial to rate content and add social media.
- We can now include a page in another page.

- Users who had the rights to edit content could change the permissions.
Now only those who have the right to administer the module can do it.

To see the description of the module and download it:

xmcontent on http://www.monxoops.fr

Re: xmdoc
  • 2021/3/14 21:56

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

Thank you all for voting for my module!

Re: extCal 2.40 RC-1 Released for Testing and Contributions
  • 2021/3/2 18:32

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

It is important to correct this:


as it can be a source of error!

And you really have to communicate for European date format, you have to use the "-" sign in global.php!

Re: extCal 2.40 RC-1 Released for Testing and Contributions
  • 2021/3/2 18:28

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1


This problem is known and very easy to correct! You cannot use the following date format:


The following format must be used:


It's related to this:



Dates in the m/d/y or d-m-y formats are disambiguated by looking at the separator between the various components: if the separator is a slash (/), then the American m/d/y is assumed; whereas if the separator is a dash (-) or a dot (.), then the European d-m-y format is assumed. If, however, the year is given in a two digit format and the separator is a dash (-), the date string is parsed as y-m-d.

To avoid potential ambiguity, it's best to use ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) dates or DateTime::createFromFormat() when possible.

So you have to be very careful with the xoops translation file, particularly this file:


To inspire you, we had the same problem with the FR translation. Here you will find a correct example of the dates:


line 201, 202, 203 and 204!

xmnews 1.5 Final Released
  • 2021/2/6 19:55

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

xmnews module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+ is now available in version 1.5 final!

The xmnews module allows you to create articles in categories and finely manage permissions by
- Read the article summary
- Read the full article
- Submit an article
- Edit & publish an article
- Delete

Changes in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Logo display problem when deleting a news message
- Logo display problem when message deleting a category if it did not have a logo
- An error message appeared if you tried to access a category without authorization
- The search displayed the results even if we did not have access rights
- An error message appeared if we tried to modify a news item with a false id
- The publication date was proposed at the next 10 minutes which prevented an instant publication

- Better integration of xmsocial to rate an article
- Addition of the social media part of the xmsocial module
- Addition of the number of reading of a news in the administration (page which lists the news)
- Modification of the FR translation
- Optimization of Bt3 and Bt4 templates
- php8 compatibility
- Addition of a block which lists the titles of the news (with or without logo)
- Addition of a carousel type block
- You can now choose a color for a category. This option allows you to color a news according to its category. This improvement is especially visible with the Bt4 templates
- Plugin for the waiting module (directly integrated into the waiting module)

- Change index.html to index.php

xmdoc on github: https://github.com/GregMage/xmnews

xmdoc description: https://www.monxoops.fr/modules/xmdoc/document.php?doc_id=3

Re: xmdoc 1.1 Final Released
  • 2020/12/30 9:28

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

The tutorial which explains how to integrate xmdoc into its module is available!

You can find it here: https://www.monxoops.fr/modules/xmtutorial/tutorial.php?tutorial_id=9

xmdoc 1.1 Final Released
  • 2020/12/29 14:40

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

xmdoc module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.10+ is now available in version 1.1 final!

This module is initially complementary to the modules of the xm-modules series. In fact, associated with these, it will allow you to add documents to your articles (xmnews module) and to your static pages (xmcontent module). It is possible to integrate into any module! To do this, just follow the tutorial on https://www.monxoops.fr.

Changes in this version:

Bug fixes:
- Access from the index to a non-existent category generated an error message.
- The search did not take account of access rights.
- An error appeared if the document id was wrong (edition from the user part).
- An error appeared when deleting a document.

- Added the suppression of votes when deleting a document (xmsocial).
- If the modal option is not used, the link points to the description of the document (otherwise direct download).
- Added compatibility with XOOPS 2.5.10 (previously only compatible with XOOPS 2.5.11).
- Update of boostrap 4 templates.
- Fixed define (language).
- Compatibility with PHP 8.

xmdoc on github: https://github.com/GregMage/xmdoc

xmdoc description: https://www.monxoops.fr/modules/xmdoc/document.php?doc_id=8

Re: PHP 8.0.0 Beta 2 available for testing
  • 2020/8/23 13:06

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

Thanks for the information! quick question, how to install this version on wamp?

Re: Overloaded pm_pmlite.tpl (PM module) ???
  • 2020/5/6 19:26

  • Mage

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 209

  • Since: 2009/8/2 1

Hi Alain,

It is a form generated by xoops. If your theme uses bt4 then the form will be displayed in bt4 (theme_autorun.php):

XoopsFormRenderer::getInstance()->set(new XoopsFormRendererBootstrap4());

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