my overloaded on /themes/xswatch4/modules/pm/pm_pmlite.tpl doesn't work !
This file is not used...
I tried to modify directly the file /modules/pm/templates/pm_pmlite.tpl but... Nothing.
I've found
an old topic hereI understand that for some files, they are read with a different way, like pmlite
So, i've investigated and i've found /pmlite.php (at the XOOPS root directory) !
please, explain me how to overload this file, or on which file should i work to re-design this template ?
Directly on the PHP file named /pmlite.php ?
Yes, i need some good advices for that.
You need a beautiful re-design window "new PM" ?
So, take some time to explain to me how, for this particular template!

Sorry for my english...