Re: Catads and 2.2
  • 2005/8/11 1:09

  • rob777

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  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

The "0" solution worked. Thanks!
Thanks for everything!

Re: Catads and 2.2
  • 2005/8/9 19:44

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Hey Cat,

How do I know if it set to always on? I went in through phpmyadmin and I see this for the field.

Null=not null

I have tried to change the submit.php code as you have said and that did not help either. I can see the ads in the admin menu under "waiting for approval" (even though I have set ad moderation to off in the preferences menu.) I click publish ad in the admin editing screen, and that still doesn't publish the ads either. The ads continue to stay in "waiting for approval" no matter what I try.

Thanks for everything!

Blank PM Pop-up window
  • 2005/8/6 18:43

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21


I have had this problem for a while now, but thought that maybe updating XOOPS would maybe fix the problem. Well, I have updated from to 2.0.13 and the PM feature is still not working.

Any ideas? When I click the PM button in a user's profile I get the pop-up window, but it is blank (white). Anyone else run into this problem before? Anyone have a solution? Or what I should be looking for?

Thanks for everything!

Catads and 2.2
  • 2005/8/5 19:51

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Catads v1.40 installed perfectly. Categories edited perfectly. And everthing appears to display fine.

EXCEPT when you submit an ad it does not show in the categories. The "my ads" link on the side bar for the logged in user works and you can see your ad if you click on it, and it even shows where your ad is located in the categories tree structure. But it will not display when you click on the categopries to view whats in them. I have phpdebug turned on and am getting no errors. I have tried cleaning my browser caches, tried EI and firefox and get the same problem. I am assuming that it is an incompatibily issue with XOOPS 2.2?

Anyone run into this yet and possibly have a solution yet?

Thanks for everything!

Re: upgrade problem 2.0.13 - 2.2
  • 2005/8/5 19:40

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Thanks for the offer to help, but I have already scrapped the site and tried the fresh 2.2 install again. It was a brand new site, so there were no users, visitors or data to be saved on the datbase yet, so I could just delete and try again.

Somehow I managed to get the database and the 2.2 install to connect correctly. Don't ask how...I don't quite know for sure...I created the database in phpmyadmin...ran the install...tweak the user login, database name, password ect. until the install finally went through correctly.

Now I am trying to get some modules to work on the 2.2. LOL here I go again. It would really help if I knew something about php.

Thanks for everything!

upgrade problem 2.0.13 - 2.2
  • 2005/8/5 6:57

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21


I'm trying to build a new site, and everything is new right now so I don't have to worry about losing users or data.

First I tried to manually install 2.2, but I could not get a database to work for the install. I tried creating one, and tried letting XOOPS build one during install. I couldn't get it.

So, I just installed XOOPS 2.0.10 via fantastico (I know its out of date, but anyway). I then proceeded to manually update to 2.0.10 to 2.0.12a then 2.0.12a to 2.0.13. Everything up to this point is fine.

I then tried to manually update from 2.0.13 to 2.2. This went pretty good until I ran the mysite.com/update script. I keep getting errors when updating. It appears to be a database problem?? But I am totally retarded when trying to figure out the databases.

here's the errors.

Adding module config category data...
color=FF0000]ERRORCould not insert config category general to the database.
ERRORCould not insert config category meta to the database.
ERRORCould not insert config category censor to the database.
ERRORCould not insert config category search to the database.
ERRORCould not insert config category mail to the database.
ERRORCould not insert config category auth to the database.[/color]
Adding module config data...
Config sitename added to the database.


Adding user profile fields...
color=FF0000]ERRORCould not insert field umode into the databaseTable 'robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
  ERROR: Could not insert field uorder into the database. Table '
robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
Could not insert field notify_method into the databaseTable 'robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
  ERROR: Could not insert field notify_mode into the database. Table '
robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
Could not insert field user_regdate into the databaseTable 'robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
  ERROR: Could not insert field posts into the database. Table '
robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
Could not insert field attachsig into the databaseTable 'robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
  ERROR: Could not insert field timezone_offset into the database. Table '
robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
Could not insert field user_mailok into the databaseTable 'robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
  ERROR: Could not insert field theme into the database. Table '
robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
Could not insert field actkey into the databaseTable 'robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist
  ERROR: Could not insert field last_login into the database. Table '
robert4_xoop1.xoops_user_profile' doesn't exist[/color]

Module System updated successfully.

I have tried logging into phpmyadmin and creating a table named xoops_user_profile but I have to enter fields in order to save it. If I create the fields listed in the error messages (which I don't know what values and attributes, etc to give each field) I get the following error message. PLuse the same error message I posted at the top of this post.

Adding user profile fields...
color=FF0000]ERRORCould not insert field umode into the databaseDuplicate column name 'umode'
ERRORCould not insert field uorder into the databaseDuplicate column name 'uorder'
ERRORCould not insert field notify_method into the databaseDuplicate column name 'notify_method'
ERRORCould not insert field notify_mode into the databaseDuplicate column name 'notify_mode'
ERRORCould not insert field user_regdate into the databaseDuplicate column name 'user_regdate'
ERRORCould not insert field posts into the databaseDuplicate column name 'posts'
ERRORCould not insert field attachsig into the databaseDuplicate column name 'attachsig'
ERRORCould not insert field timezone_offset into the databaseDuplicate column name 'timezone_offset'
ERRORCould not insert field user_mailok into the databaseDuplicate column name 'user_mailok'
ERRORCould not insert field theme into the databaseDuplicate column name 'theme'
ERRORCould not insert field actkey into the databaseDuplicate column name 'actkey'
ERRORCould not insert field last_login into the databaseDuplicate column name 'last_login'[/color]

Module System updated successfully.

Could someone please help explain what I have to do, in somewhat simple terms...possibly a step-by-step to walk me through??

Thanks for everything!

Re: Weight feature suggestion
  • 2005/4/15 21:14

  • rob777

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  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21


That sounds more like I was suggesting.

I would be interested in this hack, if you could point me to it, I would apprieciate it.

Does that new cc_block show up in the block admin automatically or do I have to hack an admin file or system file?

I still think this would be a nice feature to possibly try to incorparate into a later version of Xoops.

Re: Weight feature suggestion
  • 2005/4/15 21:10

  • rob777

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  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Yeah I realize that you can move

above the blocks code in the theme.html

But then it would be the same through out the site.
I was suggesting the ability to change the content and block order for each module if wanted. Or if I had to change every individual theme.html for every module, that still is very flexible. Anytme I would want to change the order of blocks and conent displaying, I would have to go and edit the theme.

As far as Quote:
One way round this is to try and put your module content in a block that will allow more flexible positioning

How do I create a block for each module that the module will automatically put the content in. (I know how to make custom blocks in the block admin)

I mean...when I add an article in the admin control panel for, say, wf-sections. How does wf-sections know to display that article in a block, instead of the
area defined by the theme?

I don't want to use individual blocks for every article I add. I would have a block admin screen with 100's of blocks to manage, and every block I set to "active" would show on every page in the whole module section of the website.

Maybe I don't understand the faq correctly, but I don't see the flexiblity. All I see it a fixed change in layout.

Please explain if I am not getting it.

Weight feature suggestion
  • 2005/4/15 19:23

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Hi all,

Nice work with Xoops. I like it alot, it makes dummies like me some what capable of make a nice looking site.


My feature request...

Make block content a weightable option in the blocks admin.

This would give a little more controll of layout of the site.


I could have a center block on the top of the page displaying a messege for that module. Or perhaps a module block showing something.

Then the content (an article for example)

Then another center block at the bottom for adsense or a banner, or anything.

Maybe multiple blocks down there? Anything could be done.

So the weight would be

Maybe I am missing something somewhere, but from what I can see the only option is to have any center blocks at the top and the content is displayed below any/all of the blocks.

It would just be a very nice feature to be able to control the placement of the content as well as the blocks in the same column. Would give a lot more control on the lay out.

I realize I could probably do this be changing the template, but it would be alot easier to control it from the blocks admin.

Thanks for listening.

Re: Search Engine Optimization
  • 2005/4/15 19:12

  • rob777

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  • Since: 2005/1/21

I have read the faq and it is basically using the page title as the only extra way to SEO. While newer SE are putting less weight on keywords and such (as they seem to scanning the page it self to deterime results relevence), there are some less used SE that I thik are still using meta keywords and descrpition in their algarithoms. Total SEO to cover the most SEs as possible is the best strategy (in my opinion), if you can get a few visitors a month from those smaller SEs, you have more exposure, as they my reference your site to other people. Right? I think so.

I think the best way to SEO a XOOPS site would be if you could do the following.

1. The module developers would have to include optional fields in the content adding admin section to allow a page title, page desciption, and maybe even page keywords input. Then these meta inputs would be stored in the database with each page.

This would have to be kinda of a standard format that all modules followed, so that XOOPS site builders can just include the fields with the theme template. I don't know if/or what core files would have to be modified to make this work.

<meta name="keywords" content="<{$xoops_meta_keywords}> - [b]<{$xoops_meta_pageid_keywords}>[/b]" />
meta name="description" content="<{$xoops_meta_description}> - [b]<{$xoops_meta_pageid_description}>[/b]" />
meta name="generator" content="XOOPS" />
title><{$xoops_sitename}> - [b]<{$xoops_pageid_title}>[/b]title>

This way all the meta info will be automatically displayed for each page a xoopser adds to thier site.

But you might have to use an if - else code so that if the person left the fields blank when adding a page, it don't return any errors or anything buggy.

Then also follow the faq linked by carnuke, headings, alt tags, keyword placement, etc.

*warning* I don't know nothing about nothing I can barely use hmtl, so take my opinion for what it's worth. */warning*

Another option, would be if some brillent programmer could write a script and incorparate it into a module that could do the following.

The module would be hidden on users side.
It would scan Center Block Content for keywords and automatically write the meta keyword for each page view.
Would work like google and adsense, but instead of displaying ads, it would place the keywords into the page meta fields. And maybe even compile a description based on the first line of content and write that into meta description field for each page view.

This would probably have to be something small and on the client side, because I think it would probably kill a server with heavy load.

Unless it only redendered the meta fields for bots. Somehow understanding the user agent and recognizing a bot from a human.

Just a thought. This is way over my head, but maybe someone else is smart enough to figure out how to make something like this work.

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