Re: Cookie Warning (new European law) insertion. How ?
  • 2012/7/18 19:45

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

To make it complete (also Dutch but use translator!!) see links below!



As you can read and see, Dutch ppl and - website owners do have a big problem.

Re: Cookie Warning (new European law) insertion. How ?
  • 2012/7/18 9:21

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

Then I would (quickly) put a Xoops block on the homepage that says 'The content management system on this domain sets a session cookie which is essential to provide the requested service of viewing the site'. (session cookies are OK)

This wouldn;t work and isn;t confirm lauw. The cookie warning has to be BEFORE entering the website. User needs to agree (or not) to cookies. If visitor sais yes, visitor wil enter website. Otherwise visitor will not enter bu t transfered to an explanation page.

Would something like this work? This would then pop up a window displaying a message and allowing a response. With an agreeable response the user will then continue. With a negative response the user will get an explanation that they can't use the site without a positive response and continue to show this pop up every time the screen is refreshed.

Exactly !! But it needs to be website related. Not module related.
After cookie is set (user agrees), the pop doesn't need to be shown again.
It only pops up if user didn't accept cookies or user cleaned up his cookies.

Hm, bad english, but I hope clear enough

Re: Another error with Publisher
  • 2012/7/4 20:38

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

Please upgrade your xoops version to 2.5.5
Make sure you have ModeleAdmin within your /Frameworks/moduleclasses/. Lots of blue move modules need this.
Download: http://xoops.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xoops/XoopsModules/moduleclasses/trunk/?view=tar

Re: Starting a Content/News Module Development Team
  • 2012/7/4 20:30

  • Shine

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  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

To my opinion there is a diffence between a news module and a content module. In fact, the names says it all. We should keep these diffences alive within the 2 diffent modules. So please do not make a content module out of a news module.
Let the news module be a news module.

Publisher is a real content module. I love this module for this purpose and use it several times. (very easy cloning) The templates and css of this module are still a strugle within several themes. So improving this part should also be done.
I don't know if I agree to make this module to a 'one fitts all approach'. It could result in a messy, not user friendly module.
Let me give you an example. As some know you have icms. This cms has also a core content module. I don't think I am that clumbsy with modules, but I couldn't get a descend sight how this baked in content module worked. I couldn't get a grip on it, and couldn't get it really to 'rock and roll'. Which made it not user friendly to my opinion.
Publisher is a very strong but easy to use content module. With some small enhancements and minor bug fixes you have a good basic userfriendly and cloneable core content module.

Re: WF-Links 1.09 RC ready for testing on XOOPS 2.5.5
  • 2012/7/3 10:05

  • Shine

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  • Since: 2002/7/22

xfresh, simple theme V2 (angelo Rocha)

If it is theme related than this problem -to my opninion- should occur also with other modules and their submitform. This is not the case.
Only with wflinks this problem turns up.
So, what are the differences between submitform wflinks and other modules?
SOmething missing within CSS or whatever of the themes where this problem occurs?

Per haps angelo could shed a light on this?

@phira: what theme do you use? (during this asking you already answered.)
Where did you get the theme from. Who is developer?

Re: WF-Links 1.09 RC ready for testing on XOOPS 2.5.5
  • 2012/7/3 8:47

  • Shine

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  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22


Last version 109RC:

Submit form doesn't fit within theme.
To see what I mean look at screenshot: http://members.upc.nl/~e.vdheyden/submitformwflinks.PNG
I didn't change anything.
What tot do to solve this?

Re: xForms 1.21 Beta ready for Testing
  • 2012/7/2 21:58

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

Is there a way to make it possible that the person, who filled in the form, gets an exact copy of form which he/she has send?

Re: WF-Links 1.09 RC ready for testing on XOOPS 2.5.5
  • 2012/7/2 10:29

  • Shine

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  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

They stick/work with me!

Re: Another error with Publisher
  • 2012/7/2 8:03

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

Hm,... cannot reproduce it. Works with me.

Re: WF-Links 1.09 RC ready for testing on XOOPS 2.5.5
  • 2012/7/2 7:59

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22


Short overview other submittions by user. Link to entry doesn't work. That is because de name of the module isn't picked up.
should be: <{$wfllink.module_dir}>/

File: templates->wflinks_singlelink.html
Line prox: 116
old code
<{if $wfllink.otherlinx 0}>
br /><{$other_links}>
item=link_user from=$link_uid}>
div style="margin-left: 10px;"> <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/<{$link.module_dir}>/singlelink.php?cid=<{$link_user.cid}>&lid=<{$link_user.lid}>"><{$link_user.title}>a> (<{$link_user.published}>) div>

Replace with:
<{if $wfllink.otherlinx 0}>
br /><{$other_links}>
item=link_user from=$link_uid}>
div style="margin-left: 10px;"> <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/<{$wfllink.module_dir}>/singlelink.php?cid=<{$link_user.cid}>&lid=<{$link_user.lid}>"><{$link_user.title}>a> (<{$link_user.published}>) div>

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