As you can read and see, Dutch ppl and - website owners do have a big problem.
Then I would (quickly) put a Xoops block on the homepage that says 'The content management system on this domain sets a session cookie which is essential to provide the requested service of viewing the site'. (session cookies are OK)
Would something like this work? This would then pop up a window displaying a message and allowing a response. With an agreeable response the user will then continue. With a negative response the user will get an explanation that they can't use the site without a positive response and continue to show this pop up every time the screen is refreshed.
<{if $wfllink.otherlinx > 0}>
<br /><{$other_links}>
<{foreach item=link_user from=$link_uid}>
<div style="margin-left: 10px;"> <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/<{$link.module_dir}>/singlelink.php?cid=<{$link_user.cid}>&lid=<{$link_user.lid}>"><{$link_user.title}>a> (<{$link_user.published}>) div>
<{if $wfllink.otherlinx > 0}>
<br /><{$other_links}>
<{foreach item=link_user from=$link_uid}>
<div style="margin-left: 10px;"> <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/<{$wfllink.module_dir}>/singlelink.php?cid=<{$link_user.cid}>&lid=<{$link_user.lid}>"><{$link_user.title}>a> (<{$link_user.published}>) div>