Re: Modules: why don't they show in System modules list?
  • 2006/4/26 23:39

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

what version of xoops, php and MySQL are you using?
Xoops; php 4.4.0; MySQL 4.15.0-max
BTW I did have the XOOPS Info module installed but I uninstalled it to see if there was something wrong with the install/uninstall procedure, and it now won't show up in the list of modules available to install.
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Modules: why don't they show in System modules list?
  • 2006/4/26 13:35

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

I'm recovering from a site pileup caused, I suspect, by newbb somehow going bad. Leastways if I inactivated it the rest of the site was sort of OK.

I decided to reinstall it. After backing up the db I copied a new copy of the module to the server and updated it in System/Module. My site kept crashing and I couldn't access the admin side. In desperation I used an ftp program to delete the module without uninstalling and did some other things which eventually gave me access to admin.

Now I'm trying to reinstall newbb (cbb 1.16) but even though I've copied over the module to the server it doesn't appear in the list of modules available for installation. I checked out the database tables and deleted all those starting with "bb". I still can't see the module to install it. I assume there is an entry in a table somewhere that controls this, maybe the config table, but what does it look like?

Alternatively, are there any other suggestions that will help me rectify the situation?
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: MultiMenus 1.8: can't control number of columns
  • 2006/4/25 6:47

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

I'm no longer having problems with the menu breaking up into multiple unwanted columns. Instead on another [dropdown] menu it is creating a pop of arbitrary width. The source code of the generated page has this:
<select size="1" name="multimenu03" 
option value="" selected="selected">

Why is this generated? multimenu_doplist.html has this source code
<{if $block.format == "droplist"}>
form action="">
select size="1" name="multimenu<{$block.mm}>" 
form action="" method="post">
select size="<{$block.marquee_height}>" name="multimenu<{$block.mm}>" 
option value="" selected="selected">
section name=spacer loop=$block.block_size}><{" "}><{/section}>
Although not a coder of any ability I'm guessing the loop generates  s until $block.block_size is reached but I don't see how its value is determined. Can anyone decipher this for me? And what is the solution?

Update: Solved it! the title width controls how many characters are allowd in an entry but block width controls the width of the dropdown control. Pretty obvious really as long as you ignore its placement under Animation Settings
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

MultiMenus 1.8: can't control number of columns
  • 2006/4/21 13:18

  • lucidlee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

I've just upgraded to 1.8 and am having trouble getting a site menu to behave as before. It now wants to wrap itself into 2 or 3 columns in the righthand block where before it would just use one. Looking into the documentation I notice that the column creation is controlled by Quote:
<{if $count >= block.columns_limit}>// Check wether the counter has reached the total number of links to display in a single column
If yes, generate a new column
but although I've searched through the various mm and config db tables as well as the block code I can"t find where Quote:
is set.

It seems obvious that I should be able to do this by selecting the number of columns in the menu preferences but this doesn't work reliably, ie selecting 1 column results in two or three in the block and setting 4 gives me five columns. I have adjusted the block width from 80 to 190 px (inside the containing right block of 200px) but this also has no effect on the column count.

Can anyone suggest how to get the menu to behave again?

I should say that this comes as I try to resurrect the site after it went quite haywire and got worse after i did a db table repair. I've only regained a semblance of normalcy after uninstalling newbb and multimenus and reinstalling the custom theme. After installing MM1.8 I totally rebuilt the menus rather than reload from backups. And now i'm getting these anomalies.

Xoops vers: 4.4.0/mySQL 4.15-max/Apache 2.0/
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Re: Generate and upload not working in 2.2.4/PHP4
  • 2006/4/20 21:55

  • lucidlee

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  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21


Trying Generate results in a Selected file does not exist) message.

I'm having a similar problem with a 2.0.13 installation so I guess the problem and its resolution is generic. In my case the multimenu module fails to install 2 templates and gives the same response as above when I try to "generate".

I'm also experiencing problems with the module itself and I hope this is related to the missing templates. I have tried uninstalling, clearing the template_c cache and then reinstalling, without success. What else should I be doing to get a complete install?

XOOPS Version:
Module Name/Version: multimenu 1.8
PHP Version:.4.4.0
MySQL Version:4.1.15-Max
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other):Apache 2.0
Operating System:Client MacOSX 10.4.6, Server:Linux
Theme you are using: Sporty
Custom template: (Yes)
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Re: upgrade from 2.0.13 to 2.2.3 final- can't log in
  • 2005/12/21 3:11

  • lucidlee

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  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

I'm having the same problem but it may be an extension of problems I was having with During the install phase this comes up:
Unable to install System. Error(s):
- Could not delete user configuration category
- Could not insert System to database.

xoops_module_pre_update_system executed successfully.
Unknown column 'user_icq' in 'field list'
INSERT INTO xoops_user_profile (profileid, user_icq, user_from, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_occ, url, bio, user_intrest, umode, uorder, notify_method, notify_mode, user_regdate, posts, attachsig, timezone_offset, user_mailok, theme, actkey, last_login) SELECT uid, user_icq, user_from, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, user_occ, url, bio, user_intrest, umode, uorder, notify_method, notify_mode, user_regdate, posts, attachsig, timezone_offset, user_mailok, theme, actkey, last_login FROM xoops_users
Can't DROP 'block_id'; check that column/key exists
Can't DROP 'module_id'; check that column/key exists
Duplicate column name 'pageid'
loginname field added
uname field updated
loginname data updated
xoops_module_update_system executed successfully.
Module System updated successfully.

When I examine the `user_profile` table I find that there is only one field: `profileid` but the upgrade.sql doesn't at any point seem to have a statement that creates all of the supporting fields. Where do I find it, or should I just create it from the `user` table specs?
Also I can't find the definitive source references to `user configuration category`, `block_id`, `module_id` or `pageid` that would allow me to solve these errors.
The upshot of these faults seems to be that while I can use the website as if logged in attempts to get to the admin side result in a blank screen.
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: ERROR: Could not connect to the forums database.
  • 2005/11/12 11:14

  • lucidlee

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  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

You were quite right. I did a complete deinstall - which incidentally did not remove some tables so I deleted them manually (using CocoaSQL actually).

Then a fresh reinstall of newBB 2.0.2 and everything is now sweet. Thanks for the clues!
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: I Sort of might Love MULTIMENU 1.7 but how do I use it?
  • 2005/11/11 7:42

  • lucidlee

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  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

Thanks for the flash tutorial, JD. At least I can now get a block up. However I still can't get it to list the sublinks. Lets see if I did all the right things:
Select Preferences from the Multimenu module.
Display main page = no
Banner = no
nav bar, icons = no
image wiodth = 0
menu to display = none
Theme = path
Menu Title 01= "College Documents"
Display in Index=Yes
The rest left untouched. Go1

Add two Permanent sublinks
"get the College Manual". Relative link to file. Absolute link to picture. Make it accessible to webmasters, Members and anonymous. Status Online (different from Visible?) .Target self.
"get MOPS". Relative link to file. no link to picture. Make it accessible to webmasters, Members only. Status Online. Target self

Go to Blocks Admin
Set menu Block #1 (College Documents) to right side, weight 4
Make visible on all pages
Block format = Unordered List, 1 column
Links to display = All, by weight
Display Title and Image
Leave the rest untouched

So when I drop in on the site I see only the Block Title, no sublinks, regardless of user type.

What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: A total uninstall, reinstall did the trick.
Complexity? Its just lots of simple things connected in lots of simple ways...

Re: I Sort of might Love MULTIMENU 1.7 but how do I use it?
  • 2005/11/11 6:06

  • lucidlee

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  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21

I'm bamboozled by this module, even though I've read the manuals and this thread a couple of times. In trying to understand it I've comparede its action to the standard main menu but I have found some terms are not fully defined:
What is a main link vs the permanent sublink or dynamic sublink

Why do blocks have the same names as menus? and why is there no Menu A or Menu B?

sorry about the pedantry but its the last refuge of the confused mind
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Re: ERROR: Could not connect to the forums database.
  • 2005/11/11 1:49

  • lucidlee

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  • Posts: 33

  • Since: 2004/10/21


Any recent upgrades?

To newbb2? Not really. Its a new install, but having said that I have just upgraded XOOPS itself from 2.0.7 through to and during that process have installed, uninstalled and reinstalled newbb a couple of times. The essential thing though is that it hasn't actually been used.

Well, now that I think about it, yes. I installed newbb and setup a couple of forums and some dummy topics. Then I unistalled it entirely and installed newbb2 and recreated the category structure from scratch.

Are you suggesting remnant scrap in the db structure somewhere?
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