Particularly to register the function recurring and dates of several days.That what I missed @ AgendaX
1. arranging the CatchAll function of your Domain.
2. arranging a POP3-Box and lets them arrive the Mails of the CatchAll function at these.
3. transfer all files and directorys of the Scripts on your Web space.
4. giving it the files "" and "agb.txt" and the dir "LANGUAGES" the rights 777 (CHMOD).
5. Point to and follow the instructions.
6. Delete after successful installation the dir "setup" complete of the Web space (important!).
2.1. Cron
If you have your own server or Web space with Cronjobs, they can furnish a Cornjob for the increase of the performance and for the better function of the Autoresponders:
1. calls it in the Shell up:¶"crontab -e"
2. adding it a line in addition:¶"* * * * */usr/bin/php/absoluter-pfad/zu/b1gmail/cronjob.php"
3. Save the file ¶
49: if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["title"]))
50: $title_v = $myts->makeTareaData4PreviewInForm($HTTP_POST_VARS["title"]);
51: else
52: $title_v="Nur so"; //here is the titel