Re: How do I replace the standard editor with kolvi across each module?
  • 2007/1/14 16:16

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

It's in the 2.0.15 release notes file.

Now the example given is for TinyEditor, but it should be easy to do the same for koivi...
If you installed koivi in /class/wysiwyg/, then AFAIK the correct line should be:
var $htmlEditor = array( 'XoopsFormWysiwygTextArea''/class/wysiwyg/formwysiwygtextarea.php' );

Re: Problem with migrating xoops from one server to another...
  • 2007/1/14 8:11

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

WTF is "server"?!

The IIS process

Windows/IIS does not have "server".

Well, some would tell you that IIS is a "web server"

What user needs access to these? In ether case, I gave the EVERYONE group full access to these directories and that still did not solve my problem, so I dont think that this is it...

The IIS service uses a special system account normally called IUSR_SOMETHING, that's the one that needs to be able to write to those folders.

Also, you may get more help by telling us the error message you get (if you're using the latest XOOPS version, the "blank page" is not blank... there should be a message written in white on white background. You can reveal it by using "edit/select all" in your browser).

Re: Can't access xoops test site from another computer in local network!
  • 2007/1/11 4:09

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

I'm trying XOOPS again and the install using WAMP was perfect. I'm trying to access my XOOPS test site on the webserver from other computers in my local network. I can get to a XOOPS login screen but there are no graphics.

Looks like you installed XOOPS specifying "http://localhost" as your site name.
Edit your mainfile.php, and change the XOOPS_URL value, replacing "localhost" by the name or ip address you use to access your site remotely.

You may also need to delete all the .php files in the templates_c folder after that to ensure everything show up correctly.

I believe the WAMP install is intended for localhost access and not intended to be accessed remotely.

It's not entirely right... WAMP works when used remotely, it's just that by default most people just access it using http://localhost/ coz they don't know any other way... and as a result XOOPS uses this when you install it.

Now, if you want you can give your computer a real name:
- Go to "Control panel/system" in Windows
- Go to the page "Computer name"
- Click "change"
- Enter a nice name for your computer, for instance: "bedroom" (just letters or numbers, no spaces or hypens)
- Click OK to close all, and reboot

From now on, you'll be able to access your WAMP installed on the "bedroom" computer by going to http://bedroom/ (and this should work locally, but also from all computers on your local network).

Re: Editing the "site closed" message
  • 2006/12/12 1:27

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

"modules\system\templates\system_siteclosed.html" file, but after reloading, nothing has changed.
¿Which is the file I must edit?

By default, templates aren't recompiled each time you display a page (coz it's faster like that).

- Go to admin / prefs / general
- Make sure the "check templates for modifications" option is enabled
- Display the "site closed" page at least once, to make sure the modified template is read by xoops
- Once everything's ok, you can disable the option again

Additionally: it's never good to change the template directly, you may lose your changes when upgrading. Instead of modifying the default file, you'd better make a copy of it to: themes/your_theme/modules/system/system_siteclosed.html

and edit this copy instead (just remember to change the option in the admin... it's still required if you want your changes to be taken into account).

Re: xoopsTpl - Using in Admin Screen
  • 2006/12/1 6:07

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

The template engine is not instanciated by default in an admin page, you have to do it yourself.

include_once '../../../mainfile.php';
XOOPS_ROOT_PATH '/include/cp_header.php';
XOOPS_ROOT_PATH '/class/xoopsformloader.php';
XOOPS_ROOT_PATH '/class/template.php';
$xoopsTpl = new XoopsTpl();
$xoopsTpl->display'db:oscmembership_optionlist.html' );

Re: controlling debug mode in page context
  • 2006/9/8 21:13

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

$GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->activated false;

Re: Blank page in some modules submit page after 2.0.15 upgrade
  • 2006/8/26 17:41

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

There's been a 2.0.15 specific bug reported on SF, it may be the cause of this.
Try to replace the file class/xoopsform/form.php with the one from 2.0.14, it may solve your problem temporarily until devs have a real fix.

Re: Using Xoops with DSL and dynamic IPs with DYNDNS and port redirection services
  • 2006/8/24 16:12

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

Could someone add this to the FAQ?

Forgive me for my stupidity, but could anybody please re-explain me what FAQ means ?

I used to believe the F letter meant "Frequently", but here the FAQ contains 500 questions, with a bit of everything in them, and it seems a good idea to add articles that are more related to DyNDNS than to XOOPS in it, so I must admit I'm a bit lost...

Re: new privates messages in header
  • 2006/8/24 12:48

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

<{xoInboxCount assign=pmcount}>
You have <{$pmcount}> unread messages
No new message

Re: installing lastest xoops
  • 2006/8/24 11:35

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

Mmmm... I understand why people get confused when they hear something like this

PHP 4.4.3 has been released after PHP 5.1.4, does that mean I was supposed to "update" my 5.1 to 4.4.3 ?

If you're using 2.2.3, you can update to 2.2.4.

If I got it right: 2.0.x and 2.2.x have many differences, and as 2.2 doesn't meet the developers' quality standards, the 2.0 code is going to be favored in the future. Now, if 2.2.3 works for you: keep using this branch, update to 2.2.4 if you can, and to 2.2.5 later if there's one.

There has been a "downgrade script" to switch from 2.2 to 2.0, but it is only for people who really need it and know what they're doing. If that's not your case: stay out of troubles, and update to any 2.2.x you may see, the fact developers choose to reuse one codebase or another one is their business, and doesn't concern regular users (you will be able to upgrade to 2.4 later, whether you're using 2.0, 2.2 )

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