Re: if someone with excellent XOOPS knowledge has some time to check
  • 2015/3/7 0:45

  • chco2

  • Module Developer

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Thank you!

Re: if someone with excellent XOOPS knowledge has some time to check
  • 2015/3/6 22:13

  • goffy

  • Just can't stay away

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great site

Re: if someone with excellent XOOPS knowledge has some time to check
  • 2015/3/6 20:49

  • chco2

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 374

  • Since: 2004/3/5 1


Re: if someone with excellent XOOPS knowledge has some time to check
  • 2015/3/6 19:31

  • vamptrix

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 424

  • Since: 2008/5/3 1

It looks absolutely gorgeous and stunning chco2!
Nice job!

Re: if someone with excellent XOOPS knowledge has some time to check
  • 2015/3/6 19:07

  • chco2

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 374

  • Since: 2004/3/5 1

Site is live now : http://www.pureishq.com
Let me know what you think ..

Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2015/3/6 17:10

  • vamptrix

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 424

  • Since: 2008/5/3 1

It's actually an image from the Guild Wars 2 website, taken from their wallpapers. I'm quite a fan of the game, and I often tend to go there for placeholder images.
The image used is this one: https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/wallpapers/5bdc80318_BfLA-A-1920x1080.jpg.
The image, and the text I've written with it both reflect to Lion's Arch (what you see is the ruins of Lion's Arch and the lion statue in it). Lion's Arch has been attacked several times in the past in the game (first time by the Mad King, who destroyed the statue, but the statue was rebuilt after a few months). It has been attacked later on by the Karka, who destroyed the oldest building in the city, the Lighthouse. After that, Scarlet invaded Lion's Arch and destroyed it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2S5siA_ML4). It's still destroyed in game, even after a year, but slowly, you see things coming back to it. The text I wrote reflects on that, not XOOPS. :). I hate using Lorem Ipsum.
The second image in the slider is also from Guild Wars 2, and I've uploaded an image of that as well (specially for you xoobaru): Resized Image

It's really not needed to search a conspiracy behind my post, I simply started writing a post, and this thread grew out of it. A personal outcry, perhaps. But there is nothing more behind it.
I'm not creating a problem either, as what I did was posting my personal opinion. Everybody is entitled to that.
I haven't done nothing either: since my last post I've starting updating the wiki (currently waiting on a reply from Michael for some information I need, concering the Basic Module Pack), starting building templates on it and recording video's.
I'm also working on both the Newoni theme (which is the theme that I've posted the screenshots for) and xFoundation.
xFoundation is my alternative for xBootstrap (as I'm used to working with Foundation, working with Bootstrap is really slow/hard for me. Foundation is kind of rusted in).

Foundation is, just like Bootstrap, a CSS framework, but made by ZURB. It does more or less the same than what Bootstrap does, but it does so in another way.

xFoundation is however quite different from xBootstrap, as it's more a blank base theme rather than an actual theme. I'm adding nothing to xFoundation in terms of styling. It's just a port of Foundation to XOOPS.

And, as for what I've ment with my first post, you have just confirmed it: it has been a long time since you've been on this site. So first of all, welcome back. I've checked your latests posts, which date from 2013, and you seem like you have been a really helpful member. So why were you gone? People like you can be used here :).

I also support all of the people behind XOOPS, those that are working hard. I've got all my respects for Michael (Mamba), Bitcero, Geekwright, Bleekk, chco2, AngeloRocha and many others (I've forgotten a ton of people, but I can't mention all the members here ofcourse).
But that doesn't mean we don't have to look critical at what we have now, at what needs to be done. And that's what this post is all about: not about breaking things, but pointing out things and start working on fixing them. Because that's the way to go forward, not ignoring them and wait, but pointing them out and change them.
It's small things that go a long way. An example that I've pointed out, but I'm waiting for feedback on, is the module repository. I've suggested (and worked out) making a wiki page (https://xoops.org/modules/mediawiki/index.php?title=Basic_Module_Pack) which lists all the modules we recommend using right now. The problem is that I myself had issues locating which modules are in that pack and what the latest versions are, so that I have to wait until confirmed that those are indeed the latest versions. Once that page is ready, we can put a block on the module repository pointing to that page. That way people will be able to locate the most recent versions of the modules in the pack.

Now that I'm going, another thing that I've suggested is that on the download page (where you go when you click the orange get XOOPS button) there's a link to instructions about how to translate XOOPS, but it links through to a really outdated post with instructions that aren't correct anymore (XOOPS is now translated using Transifex). We should update that (and I can't do that).

If we can fix those little issues, and point them out, someone with the rights to modify them can actually change those. And that will help us all in the long term.

So, I'm asking you xoobaru, please help me with finding those small things, become active in the XOOPS community again. That will help us forward. I'm not here to break things, insult people or god knows what.
I'm trying to change things around ;)


Re: ocaholic.ch/it/fr/co.uk/net with heavily modified xBootstrap Theme
  • 2015/3/4 13:34

  • reWARder

  • Not too shy to talk

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Thank you.
Also thanks for the hint. During one of the many migrations we did back in the days, some collations got f***** and I kind of struggle to find theses translation issues. In the language files it's correct but on the site it shows the html escape sequences. It's kind of weird.

We're going to finish all the things we still want to and have to do on the site. After that I'm considering sharing the theme and for that we would have to write a little documention. What's good is, that the code is rather well documented already. That is something which could make the documentation process easier.

Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2015/3/4 1:19

  • xoobaru

  • Just can't stay away

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Feedback is welcome :)

It has been a long time since I have been on this site so when I stopped by and read this I had to respond.

Why do I get the feeling that the image in your theme was intentionally posted to visually reinforce your version of "State of the XOOPS"? You sow discord (create the problem), and then offer your help (provide the solution)?

XOOPS beware who you let in to do what. This is either a tactic, or someones too in touch with their feminine side, and its their time of month...

The ones who need to keep their minds on the goals deserve better, and a big round of applause and support from the 99.9% that are cheering (not jeering) them from the sides. I missed you all.

Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2015/3/3 20:37

  • bosco

  • Just popping in

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this theme is really better than the actuel default

@Mamba : that's a fact : i remember in the past, we were more in the community. More users, more devs, more modules, more themes. Since a few years, we are less.
No one is able to do anything counter this. 2/3 years ago, i've heard about a v3 of xoops. But nothing about it.

I'm not blaming you, or everyone who spend time with helping Xoops growing. But that's a fact, xoops dev is slower than before...

Hope it will become like before

Re: xBootstrap XOOPS Theme - Development
  • 2015/3/3 3:07

  • sabahan

  • Quite a regular

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In xbootstrap site closed template
the text placeholder for username and password are hardcoded

should use

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