Okay, I figured it out. The file is indeed xyp_listingfull. My lines 18, 19, and 20 of code look like this.
18 <{/if}>
19 [color=990000]<{$link.city}>[/color]
20 <{if $link.city != ""}><{$link.city}>, <{/if}> <{$link.state}> <{$link.zip}><br>
The <{$link.city}> on line 19 has to go. Re-upload the file, go to your module admin page, and then update the module.
Empty your browsers cache and take a look at one of your listings. The double city listing should be gone.
I was reckless and did this without backing up my database first (prolly not necessary, but what do I know about MySQL sites?
Improve the time.