ok i see what you mean now.. if submitted by admin it's fine cos the admin can select groups on submission..
but if done from the front page, then only webmasters and registered groups get selected..
here's a quick fix for you..
i'm presuming you know your group numbers (id's)
ie.. webmasters group is group 1
registered users = group 2
anonymouis is group 3 etc
and custom groups will follow on from that
open wfdownloads/submit.php
find on line 147 or thereabouts
$groups = array(1, 2);
change to
$groups = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
put all the group id's in the array for the groups u wish automatically selected.
you can omit group 3 if you don't want anonymous users to be automatically selected.
hope this helps and is what you require.