I know there is another post like this in another forum and i know the code which is
Original Code:
$memstart = isset($memstart) ? intval($memstart) : 0; if ($groupid == XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN){ ! if ($member_handler->getUserCountByGroup($groupid) <= count($uids)){! redirect_header('admin.php?fct=groups&op=modify&g_id='.$groupid.'&memstart='.$memstart,0,_AM_ADMINNO);! } } else { $member_handler->removeUsersFromGroup($groupid,$uids);- redirect_header('admin.php?fct=groups&op=modify&g_id='.$groupid.'&memstart='.$memstart,0,_AM_DBUPDATED); } } break;
Modified Code:
$memstart = isset($memstart) ? intval($memstart) : 0; if ($groupid == XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN) {! if ($member_handler->getUserCountByGroup($groupid) > count($uids)){ ! $member_handler->removeUsersFromGroup($groupid, $uids); ! } } else { $member_handler->removeUsersFromGroup($groupid, $uids); }+ redirect_header('admin.php?fct=groups&op=modify&g_id='.$groupid.'&memstart='.$memstart,0,_AM_DBUPDATED); } break;
the problem is I am such a newbie I have tried adding it to the mainfile.php and i end up with a blank page when i go the group section.
What I am asking if somebody could just insert it for me and send me the whole mainfile.php file to me so i can just replace it I am getting more than frustrated here please i am begging you to help here. I am only just starting to understand but not in the writing side of it.