Re: wgGallery 1.10 ready for testing


goffy wrote:
Warning: Parameter 1 to MytsGallery::load() expected to be a reference, value given in file /class/module.textsanitizer.php line 774

this is something which is done by the core - maybe Michael or geekwright have an answer

I pulled the latest wgGallery into a XOOPS 2.5.10 system and cannot find any sign of a MytsGallery class anywhere. There has to be another module involved in this error.

In general, references are one of the areas where the rules have changed in PHP, and XOOPS is adapting to the new PHP versions. It probably is a simple fix -- just need to know what code to look at.

Re: http 500 error can't access site

Since I don't see it mentioned I'll ask, have you checked the database tables for errors?

Re: Setup 2.5.10 server to test modules


Yurdal wrote:
After the inital setup from the xoops side all went ok but see apache log for improvements

The install should not generate these errors if everything is copied correctly. Tried three times in different environments, and the log is always clean.

Looking at the errors, I can't see how you could have completed an install. Are you sure these came from the actual install, and not a false start?

Re: Module permissions


luciorota wrote:
Hi fellas!
Do you know if has anyone tried to move the definition of permissions in the 'xoops_version.php' file?...
Interesting. My first thought was driving an automated permissions page, similar to the about page:

I would like to hear more about what you were thinking.

Re: Xoops Installing issue


Userino wrote:
Apache has permission over the Xoops Folder.

Only partially. With SELinux, you'll need to change the context for the web directories, too. Here is an article with some details:


Re: Xoops Installing issue

Most likely, the user (or group) the webserver's PHP processes run under can't create a file in and/or write to the the xoops_data directory.

IIRC, in CentOS it is the "apache" user that needs to have the permissions. Under debian based distros it is the www-data user.

Re: Database: How do I set a column value to NULL

luciorota wrote:
I think it is a Xoops limit...

Sadly, you are correct.

I did a dive into the code when I saw your question, and the XoopsObject family seems to have no direct support for NULLs. Updating a column to NULL presently would require building the update query manually and running it with the database query() method.

Likewise the handling of a NULL value in selects seems to be datatype dependent, more like a side effect.

Re: xoops Password rules and password expiry

XOOPS could really use some modern password policy management tools.

My first impulse was to suggest expanding the profile module, but on closer inspection, using existing events and adding a few new ones would allow us to support a module(s) dedicated just to enhanced password policy. Unfortunately, that solution isn't available to deploy today

I will make sure that we have all the events needed to support such a module in place very soon.

Meanwhile, the fastest "hack" I can think of would be to tap into an existing Active Directory, using it as the authentication option for your XOOPS system. I don't know it that would be possible or practical for your environment.

As to resetting all passwords, you could update the "pass" column on the users table with some garbage string for all the users you want to reset. Each user would then have to go through the lost password mechanism to set a new password.


Since the SqlUtility class doesn't recognize the table name in the REFERENCES clause, you will have to add the constraint outside of the module's mysql.sql file.

I would suggest generating and running the SQL to perform an "ALTER TABLE ... ADD FOREIGN KEY ..." inside the onInstall file's xoops_module_install_dirname() function.

Longer term, this should become a non-issue as we progress toward schema definitions rather than SQL for table creation.

Re: Error in animal pedigree software Error : Handler does not exist

I suspect the clue is in the module name, "pedigree-master".

That is the name GitHub assigns to the download, and unfortunately it is wrong. The directory name for the module should be just "pedigree".

- Uninstall the module pedigree-master
- Rename the directory from pedigree-master to pedigree
- Install the module pedigree

That should solve the issue. Mamba is the expert on pedigree, and I'm sure he will chime if there are any further issues..

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