Re: seeking Wordpress-mu (Xpress-mu) Guru

Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: Xpress 2.04mu: help needed

Fixed this with a re-install. Now having other issues (see this post)
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: XPRESS MU: registered users not showing in administration..

Can your users generate their own blogs? Mine can't...
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: seeking Wordpress-mu (Xpress-mu) Guru

many thanks for answering Q1, phppp. I think I'll stick with Xpress and see how I get on as I get more used to using it.

Does anyone have any answers for Q2 or Q3?

Thanks in advance.
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: seeking Wordpress-mu (Xpress-mu) Guru

Ah! the man himself.

Firstly, respect to you for all that you do around here. Don't know what people would do without you.

And with that, on to Xpress.
Please note that I have no experience with Wordpress and have only been looking at it since you released Xpress 2.04MU a few days ago. There's a lot to learn, but I'm getting on with it. I have found the dev.xoops.org site, the codex, the WP site, the WPMU site, the WPMUDEV site, the x-forge site (which for some reason looks like Blogger.com), and the documentation provided with the mod. I've been reading it diligently.

As I said above, I have a heap of questions and if it's ok to list them all here in the one post, I will. here goes...

Q1. I'm trying to provide my site's members with their own blogs. One per member. I'd like to have a 'master' blog which takes RSS feeds from all the member blogs and acts like a "What our members are up to" type of thing. I want to give them a bit of flexibility as regards presentation, they will be able to choose from a number of pre-designed themes. I want all the member blogs to be limited to one author each (the member) but I will have "master" control over them all so that I can delete stuff if necessary.
My members are not programmers, and have little to no experience of web publishing. They will basically choose a theme once, and from then on only be adding posts and occasionally adding a link.
Have I chosen the right module to attempt this with?

Q2. I installed the module and all seemed to go well. I'm getting the hang of where various files and parameters are, and am not having any trouble with themes, UI, or the mechanics of running a blog. What I can't do is actually generate any blogs except the initial one (owned by me). How do users create their own blogs rather than become contributors (or what have you) to my main blog? I wonder if I needed to do something, at the time of install, more than explained in the readme.html file that came with the mod. I've read about WP needing sub-domains, but this is WPMU. Do I need to find more info on generating sub-domains for this version too?

Q3. I'd like to wrap the blogs in my XOOPS theme. What do I mean? basically, I'd like to keep my site header and navigation menus (left column) where they usually are, with the blog occupying the remaining space and using it's own theme. How would I do this?

Man, I should leave off there. If I write any more questions here people are going to complain (if it's not too late already).
If you (phppp) or anyone else can find the time to help me out, I would appreciate it immensely. This looks like an awesome mod, and I'm sure there are a load of folk out there that would love to put it to good use. My thanks to you and your team once again.
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: NewBB Spam Posts - Any simple challenge hack avail?

Was that available as a module? I thought it was just a class... Wish I'd known that 2 months ago

That link is to v1.0 beta 4 (php 5)
I'm using v1.5 (php4).

#OOPS#, got to learn French...

Never mind, seems to be working fine.
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: WordPressME disable comments

I think there're some plugins you can use for this... might not disable comments, but I seem to remember reading that they were pretty effective at filtering out spammers.
Have you searched the codex?

also look into Akismet here and elsewhere.
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

seeking Wordpress-mu (Xpress-mu) Guru

does anyone know enough (and have the time) to answer a bunch of questions I have about Wordpress-mu (Xpress-mu)?
Help would be much appreciated.
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: NewBB Spam Posts - Any simple challenge hack avail?

I don't think there's any need to change permissions. I didn't.
I edited the securityimage.php file off site and overwrote the original with my ftp application.

Same goes for fonts. Choose half a dozen fonts (TrueType) that you like from one of the free fonts places, download them (in xxx.ttf format), delete the fonts already in uploads/securityimage/fonts/ (using your ftp app) and upload the new ones.

That's all there is to it.

Happy hacking :)
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: NewBB Spam Posts - Any simple challenge hack avail?

images not clear?

Change the fonts in uploads/securityimage/fonts/

change the values of the following in root/class/xoopsform/securityimage.php

Reduce the number of digits.
$NumChar (int) = Nombre de caractères du code

Increase the font size.
$MinFontSize (int) = Taille minimum pour la hauteur du texte
$MaxFontSize (int) = Taille maximum pour la hauteur du texte

Choose your background.
$BackgroundType (int) = Type de fond

Reduce the colours used for fonts.
$NumBackground (int) = Nombre de couleurs pour le fond d'image (0 = blanc)

Type de fond :
100=Fichier (GIF/JPG/PNG)
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

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