Re: Planing to start coding my first module, where to start?

That sounds like a very interesting module! Enjoy the experience!

UHQ_GeoLocate v0.94 Released!

I know I've been away from code life for a bit, which is what happens with kids and jobs and things. However, I decided to kick up coding some things again and figured I'd go for the low-hanging fruit and sharpen up the skills, so to speak.

To that end, I have updated my UHQ_GeoLocate module:

Release 0.94 :: June 15, 2013

Feature Adds
Ability to cache IPv6 queries w/ API calls.
MaxMind GeoIP API now supports IPv6 queries.
IPinfoDB v3 API now supports IPv6 queries.

Code Changes
Converted to XOOPS 2.5.5 Admin GUI (Mamba)
Further optimization of the geolocate.class, code collapses.

Change log also in text format, since it's supported in the Admin GUI.
Development environment is now XOOPS 2.5.6.

Release 0.93 :: June 11, 2013

Feature Adds
Added ability to expire cached entries after an arbitrary number of days.
Added IPInfoDB v3 API support w/ city and country-level lookups (IPv4).
Added FreeGeoIP.net support (IPv4).

Code Changes
Minor code cleanups and optimizations.
Removes distribution sample binary files if the module is already installed.

Fixed module upgrade script for v0.91 upgrades.

The code repository for the module is now hosted on GitHub under uhq_geolocate for anyone who is interested. Additionally, the module strings now note the underscore in the module name.

Downloadable here:http://xoops.underwood-hq.org/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=1&lid=6

Re: The need to keep XOOPS module development in one location

XOOPS SVN is nice and as far as official modules and such good, it's a good choice to work out of there. However, I hate Subversion with nearly every fiber of my being. Since this is a public forum, I can't effectively express this sentiment.

In the last year, I started using GitHub for my code repositories with SourceTree as my client of choice.

As far as the module repository goes, I'd like to be able to edit my own uploads in the repository as they get updated. While the downloads have always pointed back to my own site, the descriptions are a touch stale here. :)

Re: Planing to start coding my first module, where to start?

My advice for starting out is to get intimately familiar with the administrative back end sorts of things: Module Preferences, Blocks Preferences as you code pages and things.

The second thing to learn is how to use Smarty templates.

It never hurts to learn the API, but I have always learned the most when there are other modules to observe. You'll find there are several ways to accomplish things.

Some of my old code was truly disastrous and difficult to modify.

Re: i was just buying cigarettes, did i miss something?

It's okay ... you're not the only one who went missing for awhile. :)

Re: XOOPS Solution for a Radio Station?

This is a considerably interesting topic to me as I have spent a fair amount of time on the UHQ_Radio module.

Granted, this particular module has been created with my own particular wants and needs in mind and while I hope someday to arrive at the feature-complete stage, my next actual release will be fresh-install compatible.

One important consideration for making something turnkey is identifying what the technical requirements of the station are that we'd like to attract, or who may be interested.

I am feature-complete as far as interfacing with IceCast goes, Shoutcast not so much, and no other streaming servers for the moment. Automation is limited entirely to SAM Broadcaster 3 and 4. I'm fairly happy w/ the module, but as everyone knows, there is always room for improvement.

http://www.powerfrag.fm - Radio & Requests will bring you to the module to poke around. UI still needs some cleanup and redo, but it's a work in progress as always.
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Re: Image Manager Problems

I had no idea that existed! Thanks for pointing that out!
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Re: extCal 2.24 RC ready for testing


This is great news! These were some fantastic modules during their first introduction and development stages.
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Re: Image Manager Problems

So, I went in to force on debugging and such and found this wonderful gem:

0.000293 - SELECT sess_data, sess_ip FROM session WHERE sess_id = '2c4a52a69cc80b9bc5ee5d6b6a111e2e'
Error number: 145
Error message: Table './xoopsprod/xc37_session' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

Repaired the table and all was well again.

I wonder if it might be a good idea to have a quick "integrity check" page in the admin section.
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Re: Image Manager Problems

I found that there is something wrong in the redirection, but don't quite know where to poke around.

On the successful site, there's a submit followed by a 302 response:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

But on the site that fails:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

I am suspecting there's something else broken in admin.php as well, because a fairly large number of my admin forms appear to be broken, and not just in the image manager. For example, I can't go into my general preferences and shut off the jGrowl redirect.

This is very, very strange.
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